You're Gonna Get A SHIT TON of Notifications

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Heya amazing humans! So...I've been thinking about this for a little while and I've decided to rename almost every chapter on MSMI!!! So, if you actually follow me or follow my work, you're going to be getting a shit ton of notifications from me and I'm not entirely sorry about it. This has been bugging me for a little while because...I mean come on...half the chapters are "Song #" with no real title. That's stupid to me, so I'm fixing it now. I'm also editing the grammar along the way so if you see some changes in chapters, that would be why! Sorry if I wake any of you or just piss you off. But uh- this is my book. So bite me. Anyways, that is all.

This chapter will be deleted when I'm done fixing it all. 

My Songs, and My InsanityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin