Someone (She Will Fix Me) (25)

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I need someone

I don't know who I need but I need someone

Someone to help me

Someone to hold me

To calm my frazzled nerves

I know

That I am made of broken parts

And that I don't really

Want to be fixed

I've learned to accept

How fucked up I am

Through all of the dark nights all alone

But yet

I have this desire to let her fix

All of my cracks

Heal all of my scars

Take away all of my demons

I battle with late at night

She says she's just as bad as I am

Probably worse

But I don't even care

I need more of her

I had a taste of her love

And I need more

Whether this lasts or not

I have no doubt that she will put my broken soul...

Back together with her broken parts

And I will do the same for her

In return 

So, this song is about a girl that I'm kind of crazy about. Only like four weeks ago, did I find out that she's into me too. We haven't seen each other since. We're trying really hard to see each other soon but her parents are kind of jerks. I need someone...

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