Chapter 11

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"Y-you ... Love me?" My eyes widened in shock .

"I shouldn't have said that , " he looked down. "I'm so stupid!"

"You can't love me." I pulled my hand away and Loris looked back up at me .

"Why?" He frowned.

"You treat me like shit. How can you love me if you do that? More importantly how could I love you back with the way you treat me ?" I shook my head at him.

"It wasn't my choice!" he stood up and ran out of the room.

It wasn't his choice ? I'm really confused. how can he love me ? Is this a trick? I bet he is just saying this becuase he wants me to feel guilty , so he can take me home and beat me up some more.

I let out a soft sigh and leaned my head back once more.

I heard the sound of metal clinking together as I look towards the door to a nurse had brought in a table of mental instruments I didn't know half of what were.

"Hello. The doctor should be in shortly , we just need to check on a few things and then you can go back home." she smiled at me.

'Home'. how painful it feels to hear that word. I don't have a home anymore. I don't know where it is anymore, it's faded away.

The nurse walked out of the room one last time before entering 5 minutes later with the doctor.

"Hello. I'm Dr.Trevor , it's nice to meet you -" the doctor gasped. "N-nova?"

"Yes? Wait ... Damian?" i look up confused at the doctor ... or friend.

"I haven't seen you for 2 years ... ! " He leaned down and hugged me. I wrapped my hands around him and hugged him back , smiling with joy.

Damian was an old friend I has met awhile ago. He went away to go to a good collage with good teaching so he could get a medical degree.

"I missed you." I said , pulling away and smiled at him.

"It's so nice to see you again , it seems like forever!" he smiled back pull on a pair of blue rubber gloves.

"Yeah ," I chuckled. " I see you got your Medical Degree."

"Yup." he laughed. "So , who brought you here? Is it your mother? I can't wait to see her!" he picked up a needle from the mental tray and walked put the tip into a jar of medication.

"Uh , no my mother didn't bring me. a group of ... " I swallowed. "a group of friends brought me."

"Oh, I'd love to meet them too!" he smiled and grabbed a wet cloth. "Alright, this will help you hopefully heal faster." he put the needle to my skin and injected the clear fluid.

"Ow!" I said as the needle was taken out of my arm. Damian put a bandaid on it and put the used needle on a paper towel.

"All done!" he smiled at me.

I smiled back and pulled my arm back to the side of my body. "I wouldn't think your job would be here ." I laughed. "at least I got to see you."

"Yeah," he smiled. "Well it was nice to see you again." he bent down and hugged me. "I hope to see you soon." he waved and walked out of the room with the nurse following him.

I looked out the window. I didn't recognize the place at all. it was probably far from my house though.

I wish I could go home to my mom. she is probably worried sick. I'm surprised she hasn't even called the cops yet. If she did, id be found and on my way home right now.

Axel came into the room with Claude at his side. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Axel said as he sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"Good. At least there isn't anymore pain." I smiled.

"Hey, do you know whats up with Loris? he came out of this room crying earlier. Did you say something to him?"

"Wait... he was crying?" I gave Axel a confused look.

"Yeah, the last time we saw him cry was ... I don't think I've ever seen him cry. did something happen?"

"I don't know. he just ... I don't know at all. he said something about loving me, then he said he treats me like shit and it isn't his fault."

"He said he loved you and you didn't believe him?" He leaned in closer as if he had an interest in what we were talking about.

"Yeah , I can't believe him after everything he has lied about and how he treats me."

"Nova, it isn't his choice." Axel shook his head.

"His choice for what?" I squinted my eyes with another confused look.

"He told me to tell you something that you won't believe no matter what."

"What is it?"

"Nova, your Loris's mate."

"Mate? what is that?"

"Loris, he has bonded with you, so that makes you his mate. when he bit you for blood, it wasn't that but he already loved you , he couldn't resist but to bond with you." Axel stood up out of the chair.

"Bonded? but ... I mean... then ... why does he act like he doesn't care?"

"It isn't his choice, King David doesn't want him to love you. he wants him to love someone who can actually be trustworthy and responsible for the thrown. He fell in love with you from the start. He has to act like he doesn't care becuase ... King David said he would kill you if he loved you."

"K-kill me?" I felt a tear well up in my eye.

"Loris, he said he would protect you with his life."

I felt a tear slip down my cheek. "then why didn't he say it Earlier? Why does he hurt me so badly like he wants it?"

"Becuase , he knew you wouldn't believe him since you just met him. Plus, he knew you already hated him."

"So , I'm his mate?"


"then , if he bonded with me then, what does that mean? Does it mean I'm just his mate?"

He let out a sigh. "No , it means you are going to transform."

"Transform into what?" I asked, sitting up straighter.

"A vampire."


Sorry I haven't updated it in awhile , it's becuase of the update. I don't like this new update at all I think they should fix it. anyhow , thanks everyone for reading!

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