Chapter One

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mridu9907 n Tejupuni

It was a new day in SwaRagini's life both have faced the society with strength.

Ragini was sleeping on her bed when her Daadi come in.

Daadi; Laado!!! Oh Laado wake look it's morning!

Ragini was sleepy she had cried the night... like every n each night since she got to know that Laksh doesn't love her but her sister Swara.

Ragini; Daadi Maa please let me sleep... 10 min.

Daadi; Laado woh Maheshwari have come!

Ragini's eyelids opens. The Maheshwari have come but y?! Oh haan Swara, right!.

Ragini smiles. Daadi Maa I'm coming but I need at least 5 min to get ready!

Daadi nods. Okay Beta.

The two families were sitting in the hall.

They all waited as the Maheshwari come for a specific reason.

They all waited as the Maheshwari come for a specific reason

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Ragini comes down in her normal attire. Laksh gaze fall on her n he smiles. But then he remembers what his bro did he felt bad.

Ragini who saw that smile genuinely smiles back but then he turns his face. What I did?!.

DP stood up. Parwati ji, Shekhar ji... I'm sorry
He had folded his hands together.

Shekhar; DP ji What happen y r u asking for forgiveness?!

Laksh; then what else should be do! U know!
He was taking a deep breath. He went to Ragini. Since when u knew it?!

Ragini was confused she blinks with her eyes... what u mean Laksh ji?!

Laksh; Sans Bhaiya that he isn't mad just pretending to be!

Ragini looked at him. He told u but u haven't listen to him, right?!

Laksh; what?! He used U! Us he has used all of us to get sympathy!

Ragini; no he used us to take revenge but he changed bcz he saw that to take someone else won't make u happy in fact it will break u! Haan I got to know that Sans Bhaiya is fine bcz he saved my life! U remember when u broke the engagement, again!. He met me in the hospital the nurse was going to give me an empty injection. U know filled with air! Which means death without a chance to survive. He could keep on his act... being mad but he didn't! He saved me n told me that I saved him. He wants to change n clear the mess what he did. But U all must have ignored him. Right?!. Where is he now?!

Laksh comes closer to her. He hold her arms. He saved U?!. I don't know what I would have done if something had happen to U.

His eyes were reflecting his care n concern.

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