Chapter four

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Recap: Ragini left n a friend is waiting for her return.

Ragini reaches the music academy it was a whole new situation for her but she was ready she was free feeling the freedom of her life. She was searching for love but got only hurt. Now she is here to find herself.

Ragini was walking through the gate. It feels like she left all the sorrow behind her.

Somewhere else....

"Laksh u can't do this? U said to everyone that U love me then how can u deny to marry me?!". Swara was fuming in anger n her hate was visible through her eyes.

Laksh could understand her but he knew it now all the time he tried to avoid his feelings for Ragini as for him he couldn't fall for a typical traditional girl. But all Laksh ever wanted was the support of someone on his decisions, help when it's needed n trust when someone comes again.

"Swara I had said it that I love U but just bcz I couldn't admit it that I actually love Ragini. I have always asked for someone who will walk hand in hand with me. When I will fall my life partner will catch n that is what Ragini did. Her presence is enough for me. N I feel gud. I can't say u much. But trust me we would never be happy together I will confess my love to Raginj as soon as she will be back. And even if she won't come back I will find a way bcz she is the right owner not U. I can't talk abt my love when she isn't present!". He left from there n all understood him.

Swara was hell angry. "How dare he? Does he really thinks after 2 betrayals she will comeback n trust him again? She isn't that naive n trust me when she is back she won't be our Ragini she will be someone else!". She shouted at him n he heard it, he stopped at the doorway.

"Swara u know that is one main difference between u n her. She sees with her inner gaze n u sees what is in front of u... even if it not the whole story u make ur decision whereas Ragini thinks what could be behind it!".  He leaves from Baadi n thought abt Ragini only.

Ragini was blossoming there she found new friends new songs to sing she still plays the sitar but she learnt to play the guitar not only this but also she starts to dance traditional was always in her but the hip hop was new. Yet she liked it as it was full of energy.

Ragini was very happy a long time ago she had dreamt to be the wife of someone but now she is sure she will never be the one. Ragini was in her room 12 months, a year have passed. She was looking at a picture.

This picture happens when Laksh come to meet her

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This picture happens when Laksh come to meet her.

A few weeks ago...

Ragini was practicing for the next competition at the academy there r dance competitions n she was in the hall alone when she was twirling around... Ragini was doing piques when a hand hold her back. She first was shocked them she felt the touch familiar she turns n saw him. "Laksh u here?".

Laksh smiles back. "I got to know abt the competition n that ur partner backed out. Thought to help u?". Ragini frowns. "U want to help me? But Laksh do u know how to dance?". Laksh widen his eyes, placing his hand on his chest n the other one on his forehead. "Aaahh Ragini u don't trust me that I can dance just try na let's see what u can n what I can!".

Ragini smirks. "I will finish U!". Laksh shook his head. "I came to help n u r talking abt my destruction... what a friendship...". He shook his head n was waiting for her move... see the video 👇

"Aaah Laksh amazing u will help me then I will win". Ragini was beyond happiness. Soon the competition come n with their performance Ragini could win.

Laksh was looking at her. I can't ruin her happiness by confusing her with my confession if my love is pure then she will return n then I will confess. "Ragini one picture before I leave!". Ragini pouts. "What u r leaving?". Laksh nods. "I come to help my friend! U know whenever u need me call me I will be here in no time... now smile!". Both looked at the smartphone...

Laksh u left me again but y do I feel like u r waiting for my return? I don't know I can't see u as Swara's Husband yet I can't leave my friend alone. I will return but only on my terms when I will finish my work at the academy I want to be someone. Recognisable by her voice not name or status.

Laksh was at home he was looking at her pic when he gave his mobile to a fellow of Ragini he could capture this when she was busy in practicing with him...

Laksh was at home he was looking at her pic when he gave his mobile to a fellow of Ragini he could capture this when she was busy in practicing with him

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Raginj I know ur study will take 3 years one year I survived don't know how to survive the rest of the remaining 2 years. I miss u damn!

He was now working at Maheshwari Ltd. and has taken on the responsibility but he was pranking on the staff members most of the time....

Sans n Adarsh couldn't do much as they want him to distract himself not missing her all the time... worst case one of his pranks got on DP...


Laksh gulps. He hides behind his desk. Now I need a friend...

Laksh got scold n beaten up in front of all. "Papa it wasn't for u! Sorry!". DP fumes not even the cute face of Laksh in which he was holding his ears could melt him. "Laksh u will clean the whole office! Did u get it!". DP got a cake attack...

Laksh nods n all left him alone... he was cleaning the office... but he could distract his mind... 😊.


Return of Ragini

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Actually I made a vm but cant post it here it's on YouTube n IG... I will try later with another update..

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