Chapter three

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Recap: Laksh is confused abt his feelings. Ragini got a seat at the famous Music Academy xyz.

It was the happiest day for Ragini she was in her room n doing the packing for her new life. She knew she won't be stay happy if she will be around those who r not loving her.

Since she helped Sumi to become the wife of her father. He found a new family. A complete family with Swara as his daughter. Funny thing is that a man who rejected her {Ragini} is accepted by her father for Swara? How?.

She knew she is just the black sheep in his perfect family picture. So y should she stay? There is no one n no need for her. She wanted to forget n move on in her life which is her right.

Laksh n Sanskaar come with the family to discuss abt the wedding of Swa_Lak. Laksh was nervous he wasn't sure what he wants he was searching for his friend his best friend who will give him the right advice.

Swara comes down to open the door. "Mom look the Maheshwari Family has arrived. Come in!". She moves aside n let them all in. "Laksh how r u?". Laksh nods. "Fine Swara n u?". Swara smiles. "Yes, me too! U aren't angry on me anymore?". She was questioning him. Laksh didn't answered her he just moved in further n was searching for someone special.

Ragini come down with a bag in her hand. All looked at her. "Ragini? R u going somewhere?". Just then before Ragini could speak for herself Swara starts to blabber. "Isn't it amazing she got a seat in the Music Academy xyz this is the famous one! She is leaving today!". She side hugs Ragini.

Ragini smiles. "Yes I'm leaving living my life on my own!". Laksh smiles. "Ragini best of Luck!". He comes n hugs her. "Thank U Laksh!". Sanskaar come too a bit confused but he understood she needs to move on in her life. "Best of Luck Ragini! Please don't forget us!". Laksh looked at them. "Ragini don't forget us!". He warns her. She smiles n shook her head. "Don't worry I won't forget anyone! I will be very busy there n I'm not sure if I will be able to attend any of the wedding rituals. But hey here r so many who will celebrate it. There would be no need of me! N I'm sure no one will miss me!". She said with a smile but her eyes were shining. Laksh shook his head. "What r u saying? Of course we will miss U! Ragini actually this wedding can't happen without u!".

This fumes Swara to the core. "Laksh what r u saying! Do u want to postpone the wedding until Ragini will return?". She asked him. But Ragini answered. "Please I'm not coming back! I will stay in Mumbai n will try to built up my career so there is no need to wait for me! The wedding can take place anytime! That too without me!". She said determined n with full confidence.

Laksh smile faded. He don't want to be a hurdle for her she has helped him many times now what should he do? Nothing! It's the best to let her move on in her life to find her happiness. She deserves it. "Ragini it's okay u take ur time n find ur goal! I'm with u!". He smiles to her genuinely. Ragini smiles back. She took her bag n left from there as she didn't wanted to hear anything abt the wedding plans or related to SwaLak marriage rituals. It will only break her heart which she could joined only with difficulty.

Ragini was waiting at the bus station. When someone come to her. "Ragini!!!". She turns n saw him it was Laksh. "Laksh? What r u doing here?". Laksh comes running to her. "Ragini... oh!". He was out of breath. "Best of Luck! I'm there... oh.. man I should do more exercise!. Ragini best of Luck! I wanted to wish u all the best in ur future. And u don't worry we will handle everything. I will look after Daada n Daadi as well as Shekhar uncle n Sumi aunty. U don't worry n take ur time! Oh haan when u should ever win an award... gosh I hope u will! U will invite me for the after night party! I want to meet some stars n I want to show off with U! My best friend is the singer of the year!". He was smiling at her just then the bus come. "Ragini bus get on it!". He helped her up n waves her a bye...

Ragini looked at him n waves him a bye too. Laksh I know I will be soon ur Saali {SIL} so u will not show off with me as ur best friend but as ur wife's sister.

Laksh was standing there n waving bye to her. Sanskaar come from the back. "U let her go!". Laksh nods. "Yes, I let her go!". He said it with a smile. "But I will be waiting for her...!". Sanskaar smiles too. "Do u think she will come back n even if,  will she be still a single!". Sanskaars thought weren't wrong. But Laksh was confidence that she still loves him like he does love her. He is her friend first then a lover he will give her the time she needs to find herself.

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