Chapter 28

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One week later..

"4 more days kitten. Get ready" Marinette smiled, booping his nose. He smiled. "Just relax. Don't be stressed" While Marinette nodded. She sat on the kitchen stools, while he made up a smoothie in the blender. Inside he was freaking out. He didn't know how to be a dad. Heck, he didn't know how to change a diaper. Babies needed attention, and they were a lot of work with even one. But 2? That would be twice the crying, feeding, late nights. What would happen to him and Marinette? That question racked his brain. The decorated tree shone brightly. Sparkling green, white and red fairy lights draped around the tree with colorful tinsel and ornaments.

He took out 2 glasses and poured the contents of the jug into them. He passed one to Marinette, while she thanked him with a kiss. She took the cold glass to her lips, the soft, thick mixture slipping down her throat. She clamped a hand over her mouth and set down the glass, running to the bathroom. Adrien sighed. He couldn't do anything right. He scurried after her, holding back her hair.

She flushed the toilet, and wobbled to the sink. "It's not your fault. It's the babies. They're making my stomach all funny"  Marinette sighed, brushing her teeth. He nodded sadly, leaning against the bathroom wall. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, spitting into the sink. He bit his lip.

"I'm scared Marinette. We didn't plan anything. We're so young ,we're not even married yet and we're having 2 freaking babys. I'm actually terrified" he said. Marinette frowned. "It's not easy on me either. I'm the ones carrying these. I'm scared that maybe something could happen to us, to me, to you, or, god forbid it, the babies" She said, her voice hitching higher. He swallowed his spit.

"Akuma Alert near the Eiffel Tower" the pink haired news reporter said from the radio in the kitchen. Marinette sighed. Adrien transformed. "Baby, I don't think I can do this" Marinette whimpered, balancing on the side of the bathtub.

"I'll look after you. Just imagine, this is your last Battle ever. We're tracking down hawkmoth before these babies are born. I can't do it without you Marinette, you know that" Chat Noir Said, holding his hand out. Marinette nodded and kissed his cheek. She transformed and they went to the Eiffel Tower together.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug said, throwing the lucky charm into the air, fixing everything. The Akuma was cleansed, and the white butterfly started to fly away, when Chat scooped Ladybug up in his arms and they ran towards the butterfly. Snowflakes drifted slowly around them. Paris was covered in a white blanket for this upcoming Christmas.

The route was similar to his own that his driver took to being Adrien home everyday, well, he used to. The butterlfy stopped at an alleyway, disappearing. Chat set Marinette down while Tikki recharged in her bag. "Princess?  Did you see where it went?" Chat Asked, his night vision kicking into effect. He noticed an iron door with a small slit in it, hiding away, barely noticeable even in the day.

"Marinette.." Chat Said. Marinette gripped his hand. He pushed open the iron door. Marinette was only alerted that there was actually a door. "Wh-where are we?" Marinette Asked, following Chat. She transformed and they walked on a bit more. She still couldnt see, so she had to take the kitty's lead on this one.

"Hello Ladybug. Chat noir. Seems you've figured me out?" A cold voice shrilled. Chills ran down Marinette's spine, tickling her every bone. "Hawkmoth" Chat said, his voice echoed the dark room.

"Not quite" the Villain said. He stepped into the small dim light in the dark room. Chat Noir's face crumpled. His heart dropped to the top of his toes. Tears forming in his eyes. Gabriel Agreste. Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth.

"You" Chat Said, extending his baton, poking Gabriel in the chest. "All of this could be over soon. If you give me your Miraculous" He said. Chat Snarled. He stepped in front of Ladybug. She peeked over his shoulder, her heart in her mouth.

"Never" He replied. Hawkmoth glared. "That's the problem with superhero's. Always so eager for a fight" Ladybug's heart was pounding. Chat hit Hawkmoth. Gabriel. He still couldn't wrap his head around it.

Hawkmoth lunges at him. He shouted for Ladybug to run, which she did. Up the staircase, stumbling every now and then. She desperately looked around for Chat and Hawkmoth. The darkness wrapped around her like the blanket, smothering her in silence. She sank down to her knees, taking a panic attack.

"How could you do that to so many innocent people?" Chat yelled, fist fighting Hawkmoth. He had lost his baton somewhere, whatever, it wasn't needed. "I did it for someone I loved. She disappeared. I wanted to bring her back" Hawkmoth snarled. Chat paused, caught off guard while Hawkmoth knocked him onto the floor. "But then, I realised I could do so more with it, like take over the world" Hawkmoth said, looming over Chat.

Chat lay on the ground, unable to get back up. Hawkmoth punched him a few more times, unaware he was doing this to his son. Hawkmoth left him and slowly creeped up the iron staircase. A small tap pelted each step as he climbed to the top.

'Marinette..!' He thought, pushing himself up with his elbows. He collapsed flat on his back. "Ladybug.. I believe you have something that belongs to me" Hawkmoth said, grabbing ladybug. She let out a loud scream as he placed his hand around her throat and started to choke her.

Chat noir pushed himself up again, barely balancing. At least he was standing. He wobbled up the stairs, losing his balance a couple of times. He needed to make it to Marinette. Blood trickled from his forehead into his eyes. He knocked over Hawkmoth and Marinette sank to the ground, gripping her throat and breathing heavily. She ran into his arms, while he held her head protectively. He kissed her all over. "We need to get out of here" Chat Said, dizzy. Marinette shook her head.

"Hold him down" She muttered. Chat noir nodded and held his arms back. She took his miraculous, releasing his transformation. Gabriel growled. He had been found out.

Chat scooped Marinette up, fleeing the warehouse. When he had been running for a full half hour straight, she told him to relax. He set her down on the rooftop. They leaned against a chimney. He pulled her close, and cried into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him sympathetically. "It's alright, I'm here" Marinette said soothingly. She kissed his cheek. "Marinette.." he cried. Her heart was breaking for the boy.

Suddenly she paused, her body going stiff. Adrien still proceeded to cry into her shoulder. He settled down when he noticed her go unusually quite. "H-hey what's wrong?" He asked. She never looked so terrified in her life.

"Adrien, I think my water just broke"

A Lady's Purge | Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Rated M for Mature COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now