Getting recognized by a Soccer ball

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Hope's POV

After my mother and I headed to the station to give our statements, my mother compelled the Sheriff to believe that they had already caught the culprit.

"Deputy Clark is going to take you back to your old house tonight" He stated as he went to open the door for us. Before I left he called my name out. I turned to look at him. He took an evidence bag from his desk. "I assume you would like this back" he spoke with a smile. I opened the evidence bag and inside was my bracelet that I dropped when I was taken. I gasped "My bracelet!" I took it out of the bag and placed it back on my wrist. "Thank you" I can't believe they had it all this time. I thought I'd never see it again.

We greeted the deputy and got into the police car, my mother was in the front, and I was in the back. I shut the door, then strapped my seatbelt on. I stared off into an oblivion, thinking about none other than my family. Where they are, What they're doing, What they're thinking about. If they ever thought about me and my mom.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mother's voice. " Hope, come on we're here."

I sighed as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I then got out of the young deputy's car. After a few minutes of conversation, the deputy left the driveway. I opened the door and stepped over the threshold. I look up at all the photos of our family coating the hallway. I trace them slightly before I stop and slowly ascend up the stairs to my bedroom.

I open the door and I'm met with a dark bland room. The colors on the wall were faded, and everything else was dusty. I calmly walked over to my dresser looking everything over.

I stop at a picture. A Polaroid to be exact. I was in the middle, Scott was on the right and Stiles was on the left, and we were all making silly faces. I smile as I picked it up. A thought occurred to me. I smiled to myself and placed the Polaroid back down. I found a notepad beside the picture. I grabbed a pen and started to write down what I was thinking.

I crumpled the note into a ball and stuffed it into my pocket. As I was just about to downstairs, my mother appeared at the door. "Hey, I'm gonna go make a call to Freya" she looked at me more intense as if searching for anything suspicious.

"What are you doing?" Her eyes narrowed as she spoke in a questioning manner. "Greeting an old friend" I smiled.

She hesitantly spoke "Okay, be safe. Try not to come home too late. I love you" I grinned. I looked around the room, trying to find what I was looking for. My eyes met an old dirty soccer ball in the corner of the room. I ran over, picked it up, then ran down the stairs and out the door.

I walked for what felt like hours but was really just five minutes. I came across a familiar house. I set the ball down.

I took off my bracelet then stuffed it in my other pocket, I then pulled out the crumpled up piece of paper and cupped it in between my hands. "Prend ce message ce au le centre se levant" I chanted.

Once I opened my hands the message was gone.


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