Ice Bath For a Werewolf? Like a Dog Bath?

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"Our moms were best friends before mine died, all right, we use to take freaking bubble baths together when we were three." Stiles continued to Scott as he walked down the hallway, his vigorous hand motions swiping and slashing through the air. "I got to find her."

"Then we need Isaac to remember," Scott stated simply.

"How? Peter and Derek couldn't do it. You know any other werewolves with a better trick?" The ingenious boy called out.

"Maybe not a werewolf. But someone who knows a lot about them." Called out the brown-eyed werewolf, turning towards Stiles. Past his view of Stiles, he saw her.

Stiles followed his gaze and watched as they landed on an all too familiar auburn. "She still hasn't forgiven you yet?" He asked, not even bothering to look back at his best friend. The teen wolf sighed before shaking his head.

"Every time I approach her, she walks the other way. She also started to lock her window, so there's that."

The quirky teen boy grimaced at the sudden revelation. "Yeah, I got nothing. She's pissed at you." Scott's head twisted quickly towards Stiles, shocked about the words that just came out of his mouth. "What do you mean, 'I got nothing.' You always got something!" He exclaimed wildly.

"I mean I got nothing! God, she's gonna bite your head off, dude." Stiles called out as he made a wry face with the edge of his fist in his mouth. "You're not helping." A whiny grumble left the werewolf.

Stiles backed up slowly before pushing Scott forward towards the beautiful auburn. "Go get 'em, tiger."

The wolf expelled a scoff before taking a deep breath. He was nervous. Scott didn't know how she would react. He didn't know if she'd blow up in the middle of the hallway, or stay silent to take in his words. What if he ruined their friendship completely. What if she never wanted to talk to him again.

'Only one way to find out.' He thought.

He hesitantly started to walk towards her. His heart was pounding in his throat, making him slightly sick at the moment. The auburn was at her locker in the process of switching out her Math textbook for her Chemistry book. "Hope?"

She didn't even spare him a glance.

"Please?" He begged. "I know what I said to you was wrong and that it's none of my business, whether you lie or not and it was a really stupid thing to sa–"

"Stop," She called, her face neutral and her semblance calm.

"I-I'm trying to apologize."

Hope looked deadly. Her knuckles were white as they squeezed the Econ book in a tense grip.

"No, you're not. All you're doing is taking the words out of my mouth. I told you that it's none of your business; I told you that I didn't have to explain anything to you. So maybe instead of half-assing a stupid apology, you should start learning that my trust isn't given and it's rarely ever earned." Her other hand grabbed the locker door in a deathly embrace until slamming it closed. The noise startling the ambiance around them before she walked away.

"I guess somebody's in the dog house. But hey! It could've been a lot worse... At least she didn't maim you." Stiles smiled, his hands raised high in the air triumphantly.

"She doesn't trust us." He muttered, never taking his eyes off her.

"No, no, no. Okay," The quirky teen started. "She said nothing about me; She said 'you'!"

Stiles saw how his friend's face had faltered. "But that's okay because you're gonna earn it. Yes, yeah. You're going to earn her trust!" He dragged out the first part of his sentence before nodding his head.

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