Her first high school party is a bust

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Scott's POV

     Stiles, Hope, and I were almost to Stiles' friend's house. There was a supposed party or something. But something was bugging me greatly.

     When we picked Hope up from her house she looked amazing. There was a giddy feeling in my chest when I saw her. She had resurrected old feelings, which I hadn't felt for her in a very long time.

     I remember a time when my Mom and Stiles used to tease me about Hope. When we had lost her, it took a while not to feel broken-hearted, and then after being with Allison and becoming a werewolf, I hate to admit it but I had forgotten about her.

    This morning when I heard all the guys in the parking lot hit on her; All the girls staring at her with jealousy, I growled. I didn't mean to growl. I don't know, it felt like a pull I couldn't control, it was like a primal instinct. I had to protect her from this town. That was clear.

Even when I was younger I could never be mad at her for long but when I hear her lying constantly, it just gets me so irritated!

     I was shaken out of my thoughts as Stiles started to talk. "What?" He accusingly pried.

     "What do you mean, 'what'?" I replied.

     "I mean 'What' and you know what." Stiles complained. "'What' What?" I ask utterly confused. "That look you were giving?" He inquired.

     I gave a look? I doubt I gave a look. "I didn't give a look" I admitted.

    "I'm behind you and I still saw you give a look." Hope retorted.

    "Yes. Exactly! There was a distinct look, Scott." He praised Hope as he spoke.

     "What look?" I ask halfheartedly. "The look that says that the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party." Stiles said as he weakly pointed to me.

     "It's because we don't Stiles!" Hope whined. I felt the tiniest rush of heat cascade to my cheeks. "No, it's not that. It just seems weird going to a different high school's party."

"What? Would you- God, one drink all right, We all know Hope is most likely gonna sit quietly in the corner, and you, my friend, are gonna be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? And she promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So tonight, no Allison, no Lydia, and no books." Stiles looked at Hope who stuck her tongue out at him while he stuck it back at her.

"Tonight we're moving on." He said enthusiastically.

     I looked at my phone, Allison's caller ID showing up on the screen. Maybe it is time to move on. I placed the phone back in my pocket and agreed while Stiles proceeded to shout happily.

"Onward and upward" Stiles pointed up toward the sky. "Let's do this." I confidently say. "That's what I'm talking about." We then proceeded to do a high five which ended up with Hope looking at weirdly.

"You guys are ridiculous." She said as she walked passed us and into the house.

We continued to walk up the driveway "How's my breath smell?" I asked Stiles before we walk into the house. "I'm not smelling your breath." He replied.

    "Do you have any gum?" I inquire, starting to panic.

"No. No gum. You're fine!" He protested. "Can you at least tell me what kind of party this is?" I pleaded.

As soon as we walked in the door, Stiles' name rang throughout the room.

     Somebody walked up to him eagerly. "Hey there's the birthday gir-" he didn't get to finish because Heather placed her lips on his.

HIGH HOPES (TO & TW) | SCOTT MCCALLWhere stories live. Discover now