chapter three: new kid

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Bill isn't at school the next day, but there's a new boy in social studies class. Ben Hanscom, a chubby brunette, sits behind Bev.

"The new kid seems nice," I say at lunch. Richie, Stan, Eddie and I are sitting under a tree eating bad cafeteria sandwiches. The Maine autumn weather is cold, but it's better than being in the lunchroom where Henry and his gang lurk.

"The new kid looks like a whale," Richie snorts.

"Richie!" exclaims Stan angrily.

"You're a douche, Richie Tozier," I say, tossing a lock of hair behind my shoulder.

"You talk to Bill yesterday?" Asks Eddie.


"Is he contagious?"

"Is the party still going on!?" Rich interrupts.

"I don't think he's contagious, Eddie. And yes, the party is still going on." I tell them, smiling.

"What are you going as, Nevada?" Asks Stan.

"Betty from the Archie Comics," I say. "Bill's going as Archie."

Richie scoffs, "and you say you're just friends..." He mutters.

"We always do halloween together! This isn't anything different-"

"I know, I know Neva. I'm just joking. I'm going as Batman." Richie says, "how about you guys?"

"Vampire," says Eddie.

"A mummy, I think." Says Stanley.

The rest of the day goes by quickly. I see Bev laughing with Henry Bowers in science and can't help but feel a twinge of relief seeing it appears she doesn't miss Bill too much. Eddie nearly spills hydrochloric acid on me during an experiment when Bexley Powers asks him a homework question. I roll my eyes and scold him, but he's too in awe of Bex, who he's had a crush on for ages.

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