Asparagus with Peanuts

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Asparagus, as we all know is a very healthy thing which is rich in vitamin k as well as vitamin B1. It contains anti-oxidant properties. Asparagus nourishes the digestive tract and is a good source of fibre. 

 I like to prepare asparagus with a twist. Just add few peanuts in the dish and it is a boon to the taste bud. 

Let's start...

Ingredients needed: (For one person)

 6-7 Asparagus cut into halves.

 Ghee or Oil (According to your choice).

Peanuts - 15-20 (or more if you like).

Black pepper powder.

Garlic- 1 clove-Peeled n cut into small pieces.


Step 1: Put half a spoon of ghee/oil in the frying pan.

Step 2: Let it heat for a while and then put the Asparagus in it and stir it occasionally. You can cover the pan when not stirring.

* You can put the flame on medium low as this will allow the asparagus to cook nicely.

Step 3: After 5 minutes put the peanuts in the pan and stir.

Step 4: Wait for 2 minutes and add the garlic into it. 

* Garlic is added at this point as if you put garlic at the beginning, it will burn off by this time and not smell good.

Step 5 : Add salt according to taste and stir for about 2 minutes.

Step 6: Add a pinch of black pepper powder.

Your dish is ready to serve.

It's a healthy and tasty dish which can be taken either for breakfast or as evening snacks with a cup of tea :-)

It's a healthy and tasty dish which can be taken either for breakfast or as evening snacks with a cup of tea :-)

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