Chapter 1

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Hello and Welcome to my first story. So go on and enjoy this shit show. I appreciate any HELPFUL advice. Like I Said this is my first story so expect shit. ENJOY



*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Bee-

I slam my hand on to my alarm. Today was the first day of Junior year, and I wasn't ready. I groggily roll out of bed and head downstairs. My parents are almost never home due to their work, but I'm alright with it, it just makes seeing them so much special. I cook myself some eggs and toast, then get dressed.

I wait outside for about 5 minutes for Sayori, my best friend since I was 5. The 5 minutes pass and there is no sign of her. "I guess she isn't coming..."I start to walk away when I hear an annoying but comforting yell, causing me to turn around.

I see a golden rose haired girl running at me full speed.

"Watt!" I hear a familiar voice yell.

"Sayori!" I shout back.

She runs up and hugs me tightly, her face getting buried in my chest because I'm a few inches taller than her. "How have you been" she says while she beams up at me with a large smile on her face. I feel my face heat up.

"I've been better..." I say with a half smile. Truth is I've had really bad anxiety most of my life, so when I'm forced to go somewhere with many people after a long time I start to panic. Although whenever I'm with Sayori it seems to melt away.

"Nervous for the first day? Don't worry, you'll be fine!" It's like she can read my mind.

"T-Thanks, I needed that."

At this point we are already about halfway to school, and there are more more people heading the same way the closer we get. It looks like Sayori notices that I'm starting to go into an attack. Next thing I know it Sayori is holding and rubbing my hand and my anxiety is dispersing quickly. I look over and she is smiling sweetly. Seeing that smile comforts me more and I smile back.

"Hey, have you thought of any clubs to join yet? You need some social skills..." Sayori asks concerningly

"No, you know I'm not good with people."

"Then you should join my club! We need more members because there is only four of us currently. It would be great practice!"

Sayori seems so enthusiastic today, i wonder what's up. It makes me a little sad that I can't join her club...

"I don't know... I would much rather stay home."

"I also kinda promised a new member today and Natsuki made cupcakes... so... please?" Sayori says with her head facing down ashamed... So that's why she was so enthusiastic.

She looks up starts giving me puppy dog eyes... Oh god not puppy dog eyes. She has developed a special talent of making such adorable puppy dog eyes that it feels like your heart is being torn to pieces if you say no. I feel myself blush

"A-Alright I guess I'll check it out, just come get me by my locker and lead me there." I say as Feel my face burn up.

"Are you ok? Your face is turning red?" Sayori asks questionly.

"I-I'm fine..." I reply with my face buried in my hands.

Today was the day i sold my soul for Sayori's cute smile

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