Chapter 2

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The day felt like it went on forever, All of the classes were introducing us to the class, except for Band which is my first period, which handed us our music for the first concert. I play a few instruments, I play the Guitar and Tuba mainly, and some Piano, but for band I play Tuba, Guitar and Piano are more hobbies for me. I head over to my locker where Sayori is already waiting for me.

"Hey! Are you ready to meet the club!"

"I guess... I'm-"

"Anxious? I know you to well."

"Well we've known each other for most of our lives. I'm not to surprised."

This gets a giggle out of Sayori. We start walking to the club room, which is is one of the old classrooms on the third floor. A good portion of the third floor was not in use except for a few clubs, like the literature club. Sayori kicks open the door which startles me a bit. Its seems to startle everyone else as well.

"We have a new member!"

We both walk into the room where I spot 3 other girls. A short, pink haired girl, A taller purple haired girl, and Monika. Monika is one of the most popular girls in our school, and last year we had a biology project together, which to say made me nervous.

"Sayori! You brought a Boy? Way to ruin the mood." Asks the first girl, who looks like she is in 5th grade and has short, bright pink hair.

"Oh come on Natsuki, What's wrong with a Boy joining the club, it can't all be girls in this club." Says the second girl, who is far taller than the first and has long purple hair.. There is a wide variety of colors in this club isn't there?

"Why not Yuri?" Asks the first girl.

"B-Because." Responds the second.

I guess the first girl is named Natsuki, who is also the one who supposedly made cupcakes, and the second girl is named Yuri.

"Jaxon! What a surprise! I never expected you to join my club!" Says Monika. Monika is in the same year of class as me, but we don't talk much, mostly for projects. I'm honestly surprised she remembers me, since we haven't been aware of each other's existence long.

"O-Oh hey M-Monika..."

"Oh Great, another shy one as if one wasn't enough." Natsuki says sarcastically

"Gee.. Thanks."

"Oh, I'll get the cupcakes!" Sayori gets super excited for a moment, but is quickly shut down by Natsuki.

"Hey, No you won't! I made them so I'll get them!"

"O-Oh, I-I'm Sorry, I got so excited..."

"Clearly" She Mumbles to the side. It's fine, don't worry about it, I'll go get them now" She smirks and exits the room.

I decide to take the next step without Sayori, after all she did say this would be good practice for future encounters. I walked up to the Purple haired girl, whos name im pretty sure to be Yuri.

"H-Hey, Y-Y-Yuri r-right?" I say with the world's worst stutter.

"Y-Ya, a-and your name is J-J-Jaxon c-c-correct" She says with a stutter on par with mine.


God I bet we look like a train wreck from another point of view, but this is actually better than it normally goes. If you need an analogy, this is a train wreck full of supplies, normally it's an orphanage on fire full of kids, puppys, and kittens. Ya, its bad.


"Its Good to see Jax is taking the first step to making new friends." I think to myself when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder, which makes me jump. I quickly turn around to see Monika right behind me causing me to jump back.

"Geez you scared me"

"Oh did I? I'm sorry i didn't mean to, I just wanted to come over and thank you for bringing in Jaxon. I'm actually kinda surprised you were able to convince him, because if I remember correctly, when we did the Project together she was pretty shy and nervous."

"Well I know how to get to him" I put on a fake smile "Plus i think the idea of cupcakes helped a lot."

"Well either way, thanks for bringing him!"

She walks away, and as she does Natsuki walks in with a tray of cupcakes, thank god I only have to put on this fake smile to much longer. The longer i put it on, the more it tears me up inside. On top of that I can't confess to him, I bet to him I'm just the "Best Friend". Whatever, it'll all be over by tonight...


I look over at Sayori and Start to blush. That's it, I cant take it anymore, tonight is the night I'll confess to her.

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