Chapter 4

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I wake up on the couch with SayorI still sleeping in between my legs, head on my stomach. (Not what you think you sick fucks, its just a small couch so SayorI laid between his legs. -Your Favorite author, Sky) Thankfully my phone is on the table next to me, so I grab it and check the time. Its 11:47 in the morning. Well it looks like we won't be making it to school to day. Its at this point which SayorI wakes up and looks up at me with a cute smile on her face. "Mornin' sleepy"

I kiss her on the forehead causing her to blush as I get off the couch. "You sleep a little longer, i'm going to my house to get stuff for breakfast, Alright?" "Alright" She says as she snuggles into the couch. I head over to my house and on my way make a few calls, then grab my own special pancake mix and some white chocolate chips. Sayori's favorite breakfast is white chocolate chip pancakes with bacon.

I get back within 5 minutes and start making breakfast. SayorI pops up at the smell of bacon in the air and walks over. I feel her hug me from the back, but I feel like it is to get a better view of what i'm making. I look over at her and see her eyes light up when she sees what it is. "You didn't..." she asks. "I did." I reply with a smile.

"For me?"


SayorI starts hugging me tighter and kisses me on the cheek, causing me to blush. She then goes to set the table. I quickly serve up the bacon and the pancakes onto a plate stacked high. I place the plate on the table and watch SayorI Grab multiple pancakes and devour them, as I start my second.

We quickly finish breakfast within minutes. I tell SayorI to freshen up cause we need to go somewhere. I head to my house to freshen up, but we planned to meet in 30 minutes. While I head home I make a few calls.


While I shower I'm wondering where we were planning to go on such short notice, it's already noon so I doubt we are heading to school, and Wyatt would have said to get in my uniform. Either way I guess I'll find out soon when we me meet up. For now I should focus on getting ready.


I meet up with Watt quickly Wo seems to be dressed up casually.

"Hey, You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yah, so where are we going in the first place?" I ask

"Can't Tell ya, but it's not too far, Come on!"

We make our way down a couple streets,for about 5 minutes before turning onto the highway. We walk along for a bit making small talk as car go past us, and before I know it we are next to the Hospital.

"W-What are we doing here?"

"I've made a few calls to the staff here. Lissen, Sayori, as much as I wanna be your prince in shining armor and to sweep you away from your depression, I can't. It may be gone for now but we don't know how long it will be till it comes back. Sure it may not, but there is a higher chance it will. I'm smart enough to know i'm too dumb to help you. But these people are professionals and can help you. In the words of Bo Burnham, "So if you're depressed Then you need to book a therapy session Talk about your depression And let a professional hear it." So please go in there with me."

"But... What if I'm scared?"

"I may not be you prince in shining armor, but I can be your light in the darkness. I will be there with you."


With that, we walked hand in hand into the hospital where they were waiting for me.

When I'm With You |Sayori x MC|Where stories live. Discover now