Chapter 3

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Tonight is the night I'll confess how I feel. I walk over to the 5 desks that are making a makeshift Table that Natsuki set all the cupcakes on. They are all decorated to look like little cats. Sayori practically inhales it because it is gone so fast it kinda scares me, and she also somehow got frosting on her nose already. I pull out a napkin from my bag and hand it to Sayori. I then look for the best angle to bite into. I notice that Natsuki is eyeballing me, probably waiting for me to take a bite. So, without further hesitation, I bite into the cupcake, and my mouth explodes with flavor. The frosting is so flavorful while not being rich, and the cupcake is light and fluffy.

"This is Good! You did well!"

"Well It's not like I made them for you" She blushes

"Not to sound egotistical, but you kinda did make them for me."

"No, I made them for the occasion of a new member, not for YOU exactly." Natsuki snaps back at me quickly

Defeated by Natsuki's logic I look over at Sayori and pull out another napkin and hand it to her to clean her face again because either she got more on her face or she did a poor job cleaning it the first time. When I look back Monika is Standing and looks like she is about to give an announcement.

"Alright I had an idea, Why don't we write poems and present them? I was thinking that we could show them every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so since today is Wednesday you have 2 days to write your poem. How does everyone feel about this?" Monika asks everyone in the room.

"I'm Alright with this idea" Yuri responds.

"I'm willing to try it out" Natsuki reply.

"Sure!" Sayori says with a face full of cupcake. Wait how did she get that? There were none left... I look at my plate to find the rest of my cupcake gone. I glare at Sayori, who gives a smile worth a human life back.

"You can get away with it this one time... Either way I guess I can try to write a poem to share" I respond.

"Alright, that marks the end of this meeting, Dismissed," Monika says.

With that club is dismissed, and I walk over to Sayori.

"Hey, Sayori, do you by any chance wanna walk home together?"

I feel my face blush and I see her face light up a little bit.

"Sure," She says with a sweet smile. I really do love this girl.

With that we walk home, joking about random stuff until we get home. We depart ways and I start making a picnic for dinner.


I really enjoyed my time with Jax, but I'm sorry it can't continue, I just don't belong in this world... I start making my leaving note addressing to my parents, my friends, and especially Jax...

It takes me longer than I thought to make my note, going through multiple versions until I get the right version. After that, I make the noose, and it's about 7 pm... Its time I leave this cruel world. I hear someone enter my house, too bad they won't make it...


I finish the picnic early, so I watch a show and decide to head over at about 7, I want to surprise Sayori so I decide to head over without texting or calling. I get to their door and knock, but no one answers, so I decide to let myself in. It's not like this is the first time I've done this, this is a regular event. Her parents aren't normally home either also due to their jobs, so I often come over uninvited to hang out.

"Sayori?" I ask.

No Answer. I decide to go to her room and I knock on the door. No answer Again...

"Sayori I'm coming in," I say loudly.

I gently open the door...

I open the door and am horrified by the sight I see... Sayori is hanging from the roof... I fall to my knees crying... My eyes dart all across her body and I notice that she is still swaying, that means she just did it... and her fingers are bloody, so there is a possibility that the fall didn't break her neck... I rush over and lift her up and get the noose off from around her neck and check for a heartbeat...





I immediately start performing CPR on her, thank god my parents made me take that class...

I check for a heartbeat again...





I continue to perform on her and check again.





I keep trying for what feels like hours, refusing to give up on my best friend. No, the girl I love. I continue...






I feel her heartbeat again, and Sayori jolts up gasping for air, I start hugging her tightly and I feel myself start to cry...

"W-What? What happened? Why am I here?" Sayori says, clearly disorientated.

I start sobbing into her shoulder. "Why? Why did you do it? Sayori you're my best friend! I care for you!" I pull away from her shoulder and look her in the eyes. "SAYORI I LOVE YOU"

After realizing who was holding her, Sayori starts to cry like these were the words she has long loathed for, and I pull her in for another hug, with Sayori crying into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... Please don't hate me, please don't hate me, please don't hate me... I'm Sorry...

"How could I hate my best friend and the person I love? I could never hate you Sayori. I could NEVER hate you..."

We sit there crying into each other's arms for a good 10 minutes. After we go downstairs and start watching a movie which neither of us remembers and start eating the dinner I originally made for the picnic, then falling asleep in each other's arms.

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