Chapter One

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Hi, my name is Alisa Potter, my parent's names are Lilly and James Potter, and no I am not some Harry Potter rip-off, I am his granddaughter, James's kid. Oh, one more thing, I break the fourth wall all the time. This book you are about to read is about me and you're going to see Hogwarts and everything else in me and my friends perspective. If you are a little kid then put this book down now and go read Dr. Seus or something because this book is PG 12.

"Alisa, wake up!" 

 It's the weekend, finally, I thought.

"Ok! I'm taking a shower Ma," I lied. I have to go to a Muggle public school and I hate it. I don't have any friends except for Daphne. I'm not really sure why it might be because of my red eyes or the fact that I'm a nerd. Muggles here don't like any differences, so when people see my eyes, they veer away from me, and I'm fine with that. Daphne is Grandpa's Harry's grand-niece. Her grandfather is Dudley Dursley, who tortured my grandfather for quite a long time. Despite our grandparents' rivalry, she is the only person nice to me at school. 

Well, one thing to look forward to is that it's four days to summer break. God, I hope I get my letter from Hogwarts this year. 

"Mom, Dad, where are you?"

"Over here, Alisa," came their voice from the kitchen. It was cool how they both always said it at the same time.

I slouched into the kitchen but they weren't there. I could have sworn I heard them in the kitchen but I guess not. I turned around to leave. 

"I am the letter, Alisa."

I pick up the letter. It then, in my parents' voices says, "Sorry we had to leave so early, there are certain people we are hiding from so that your life will not be like your grandfathers. Sorry we can not tell you more though, we wish your time at Hogwarts should be fun. We know that you will get in because there is magic in you, Love Mom and Dad. P.S. You will be staying at Dursley's house." 

Ok, this is so weird, even for my family. The note disappears and my suitcase appears in front of me, with my stuff flying into it. It slams shut and lands on the countertop. On top, there is a note, "RUN!" All of a sudden my entire house starts to shrink around me and everything begins to get sucked into a little ziplock bag. 

I grab the suitcase and bolt out the door, barely making it through as the front door shrunk around me. But my suitcase and hand are still inside the door, which is shrinking around me. I put my foot against the wall and pull, and try and break the door, the blood is stopping in my hand and 'i can't hold on. 'slowly my entire arm is being pulled in. "Stop!", I yell out loud. It's no good. 

I close my eyes and concentrate hard, my arm is coming out the door with the suitcase. That doesn't work either, who am I kidding I'm not a Jedi. An image of my mom popped into my head, "come on let's go, chop-chop", she always said as she snapped her fingers. I snap my fingers, my hand pops out- with the suitcase, and the ziplock baggie drops onto the ground in front of me. I pick it up and see all the little furniture inside. Then I remember, run

I walk casually and try not to attract attention while also being quick. As I do so I remember the note so I head to Great Uncle Dudley's house. The letter is taped to the back, so now I've gotta run. 


Wow, I'm here.  I just snapped my finger and I'm in front of the Dursley's house. Wasn't magic supposed to happen with a wand? Probably just the suitcase or mom casting a spell that made me appear here straight after the packing was done. I quickly rang the doorbell. 

"Dudley, someone's at the door."

Alisa Potter: Mystery at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now