Chapter Six

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 The whistle sounds off, the train starts to slow down, Ash and Alder are playing on the table, Midnight and Snowflake and sleeping together, Bull and Ghost are back in their cages. I grab Ash to put her in my robe pocket, across from my wand. "Hey, Luke, Wake up," I nudge him on the arm,

"I'm up," Luke says groggily, he grabs Alder and puts him into his cage.

"Hope you all had a good- " The conductor starts,

"Ya, ya, we know th' stuff. Leave yer' bags in ye' cabin. How ye' doin'?" Hagrid yells I heard about him in my grandfather's stories. From the window, Hagrid is holding a lamp and he resembles the details the stories my parents and grandparents said a grey-brown coat, beard, and a small dog next to him? I thought he had a giant three-headed dog?! Oh, wait, it's the offspring. Wait then... Nevermind. "Come on 'ut," He bangs on the doors to open. Everyone except the first years, run out of the train to the Thestrals pulled carts, only some people can see them. Like me. We exit the train, I've got Ash in my hands.

Hagrid led us to a dock where some boats are docked, Daphne, Drake, and I sit on a boat. On the boat next to us is Mare, Luke, and Alex. The rest of the first year-ers pile into the other boats. We start going towards the school or castle should I say.

"Wow," Daphne, Drake, and I say simultaneously in awe. The boats docked themselves, we all exit the boats once the boats are docked. We walk up the steps towards the big oak doors. The doors open automatically, inside everyone is in the great hall. And let me tell you, this looks like it's straight up from a video game, like OML. All the first year-ers just group together since we don't know anyone. I see people visibly walking away from me. I wonder why? Hmm... oh, right my eyes are red. Guess I forgot.

"Hi," A girl says next to me, she's almost my hight, "I'm Jessii," I turn to look at her. Her eyes are really pretty, they're violet. Well, guess I'm not the only odd-eyed one.

Professor McGonagall was standing beside a chair at the front of the room with a hat that still looks old. I scan the crowd, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. We walk up the aisle towards Professor McGonagall. In her right hand is a sheet of paper that probably has our names on it, and in her left hand is the Sorting Hat. Professor McGonagall coughed to silence everyone, "Welcome students, 0ld and new," She says, "to a new year of school. I'm going to state your names out loud and you are going to come up and sit on this chair." She clears her throat, "Dursley, Drake," Drake slowly walks into the chair, Pr.McGonall puts the hat on Drake's head.

"AHHHH!!!!" The sorting hat yells, "Take him away!" Drake looks at us a sudden fear in his eyes, then all of a sudden Drake is gone. I see Daphnne about to cry I go to hug her when Pr.McGonagll.

"Dursley, Daphnne," Professor McGonagall looks completely calm, guess she's chaotic neutral. Daphnne walks up slowly, trying not to cry.

Once again once the sorting hat was put on her head he said it again. "AHHHH!!!!" The sorting hat yells, "Take her away!" Once more she looked scared and, boom, gone.

Now Pr.McGonagall look scared too, "Umm... Dallas, Grayson," A boy walks up to the sorting hat. He has dirty blonde hair, a thinner build than Alex, a nice face (because a punch probably can't break it).

"Hmm... Ravenclaw," The sorting hat said, the Ravenclaw table roared with excitement,

"Malfoy, Jessii" Pr.McGonagall says, I smile encouragingly at her. She obviously was surprised and smiled back. What I'm friends with one of my grandparents' enemies why not add another one.

The second the hat was on," Ravenclaw!" he says with certainty.

"Potter, Alisa," Pr.McGonagall says with a smile on her face. I walk up to the chair easily as everyone wants to get away from someone who looks like a devil.

I sat down on the chair, "AHHHH!!!!" The sorting hat yells, "Take her away!" Pr.McGonagall looked taken aback, I look in Jessii's eyes and I saw the look in my eyes.



Black abyss.

That annoying squeaky voice in your ears when you are knocked out.

"Ugh... my head," I groan. I shake my head to wake myself up, I'm sitting with my back against the wall, across the room Drake is trying his best to comfort Daphnne. I put my hands on the ground and push myself up from the ground. I take a look around, it's an empty room with grey walls and grey marble floor.

"ALISA!" Daphnne shouts, tears still running down her face, and runs up to hug me,

"Please don't yell, it hurts," I respond while holding my forehead. Boom!



First Mare comes dropping out of thin air, Drake helps her up, next is Alex who Daphnne helps, and lastly Luke come falling down. I quickly help him up, "You guys ok?" I ask I would serve water but we're kinda stuck here. I wonder if this is the room of requirements? "I wish I had water," I snap my fingers, it's a bad habit.


Six glasses of water plop into our hands, everyone is staring at me, "What did you just do, Potter?" A new teacher pops into the room behind her is Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, a smaller guy, Flitwick I think, and another new woman.



WOOOOOO!!!!!!! Finally, I'm done. YAASSSS!! I've been having a hard time finishing up, I had a lot of ideas' for this chapter but this one I found best. Ah, so close to 1,000 words. 960 words, ugh. Anyways hope you've liked this chapter. Ba, bye.

Alisa Potter: Mystery at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now