Chapter Eight

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Jessii's P.O.V:


I barge into my dorm angry at how we already have homework. I get into my room and belly flop onto my bed. You all are probably wondering 'But, you're Ravenclaw. You're supposed to LOVE homework!' SHUT UP! Ravenclaw just means you're creative. I hear the door slam and seconds later Alisa plops onto my bed. "Homework," Alisa asked.

"Yup!" I respond.

"Well, let's get to it!" Alisa yells, jumping off the bed. She grabs my arm and yanks me up along with her.

*Time Jump*

After finally finishing Slughorn's two thousand word essay, I say "Imma hit the hay, Kay?"

"Sure," Alisa responds obviously not paying any attention. I roll my eyes and drag myself over to my bed. Once my head touches the pillow, I realize that I'm still in my robes. "UGHHHHHH!" I grunt as I drag myself off my bed. I walk to the front of my bed where my trunk lay. Opening my trunk, I take out my night clothes and rush to the washroom before any of the other girls hog it. As I'm pulling up my comfy bottoms, I hear a knock on the dorm window.

"Hey," A slightly groggily voice says.

"Hey" Alisa responds.

"So, where are the others?"


"Mkay, wanna talk about your day?"

"Later. Meet you at the spot?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Bye!"

"Bye" After Alisa's response, I hear the window shut. I walk outside and find Alisa smiling at herself while doing her homework.

"G'night," I say. She jumped at that and I gave her an interesting look. She turned around quickly and continued her homework. I trudge over to my comfortable four-poster and before my head hits the pillow, I black out.

*Time Jump*

I wake up to Honesty, one of my other dorm mates creeping around. "Seriously, what is it with my dormmates waking up early?! LET ME SLEEP!!' I think. I hear more footsteps, "Honesty, Isla, Alisa, STOP IT!!" I yell, half asleep, half dead.

"Sorry, but it's time to wake up, Jess" Alisa whispers near me.

I sit up and whine as I rub my eyes. I look around me to see, Honesty waiting outside of the bathroom door, Alisa fixing her bed, and Isla is probably in the washroom.

After changing, we all head down to the Great Hall. "I'm starving!" Isla says, sitting down at the Ravenclaw table.

"When aren't you?" Honesty says. Isla gives her a glare as she smiles back innocently. I sit down next to Alisa and look up to see Grayson's gray orbs looking into my violet ones. I unwillingly tear my eyes from his and try to avoid his gaze for the rest of the meal.

Unfortunately, all my effort was pointless because both of us were paired in Muggle Studies and Charms for the entire term. During the entirety of class, we both barely stopped staring at each other. I walk out of Charms class with my sling bag on my shoulders. I'm walking to the Great Hall for lunch blindly when I bump into someone and my bag falls off my shoulder and all my books go flying out of it. Looking down, I rub my head as I say, "Sorry,-"I cut myself off as I see the one person I hoped not to see, smirking at me. Grayson got up and reached his arm out for me to take, which I did, and didn't let go for about thirty seconds until I realized that I was holding it. I quickly blinked thrice and let go of his hand. I hurriedly walked into the Great Hall. As I was enjoying my pudding, Alisa waltzed in, hair looking like a bird's nest, wand in hand. "What happened here?!" I exclaim, chuckling a bit unable to help myself.

"Don't even ask, Jessii," she replies giving me a glare. I try to stifle a laugh but fail. My laugh rings across our little group.

The rest of the day of classes goes by and I was walking to the Great Hall for dinner when an unsettling feeling landed into the pit of my stomach. I felt like my stomach was flipping back and forth like the Spice Girls' song. I left quickly and ran to the washroom. As soon as I got there, I found myself feeling tinier than usual.


Hello, World! I know I haven't updated in a while and the rest of this cliffhanger will come out by the 3rd or 4th of November 2018.

I wanted to give a huge shout out to:

@LovaticNumberUn for editing half my chapter and vote, comment, show her some love and tell her I sent you.


Alisa Potter: Mystery at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now