Chapter Seven:

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Jessii's P.O.V:


"AHHHH!!!!" The sorting hat yells, "Take her away!" Pr.McGonagall looked taken aback, I look into Alisa's eyes and they are shining with a feeling. Fear. For the rest of the sorting, only three other people got that response, Blaise, Lupin, and Anderson (I think). Everything went like a blur after Alisa disappeared.

"Hey, are you ok?" Grayson asks me in the dining hall.

"I'm not sure," I reply sincerely, "What just happened?"

"I don't know" Grayson leans back in his chair next to me."Eat something otherwise you won't be able to sleep,"

"No thanks," I won't be able to sleep anyways, I think to myself.

"Come on, you know you want to," He shoves a chicken leg onto my plate.

"Ok, fine," I sigh in surrender.

*Time Jump*

I walked into my room and plop down onto my bed. Where are you, Potter?



"Come in," I yell.

"Hi, Jessii," Alisa walks into the room.

"ALISA!!" I run up to her, "My god, what happened?"

"Umm...," She states and plops down onto her bed, "I got teleported to a dungeon or something, we did some mind test to figure out our houses, and... well that's all really."

"Why did the hat yell when it touched you?" I ask after she changes into her night suit.

"I don't know they avoided the question," She responds plopping down on to her bed.

"Who's they?" I ask,

"Hmm... Oh, the teachers," She mumbles as she falls asleep. I guess we should get some shut eye.

* Sometime after midnight.*

"No...No....NO!!!!!!" I yell sitting upright. I see Alisa sitting on my bed checking my forehead to see if I'm ok. "I'm fine,"

"No, your not. Tell me what you saw," She responds like a therapist, "If it helps I get nightmares too."

"I told you I'm fine like you said 'It's just a nightmare'." I tug my blanket over my head.

"If you say so," She mumbles.


I wake up to the sound of the floor creaking, and a spell. "Alohamora,"

"Where are you going?" I ask as Alisa freezes in her spot.

"I'm getting food. Want some?" She asks me.

"Umm, sure," I respond getting up to grab some clothes, I see Alisa already in her clothes, black jeans, black sneakers, and a grey hoodie. After a fifteen minute shower, I change into a t-shirt and sweatpants since it's 7:15. When I get out I see Alisa eating pancakes.

"Want some?" She asks shoving a plate with two pancakes and maple syrup on top.

"Thanks," I respond then stuffing my face with pancakes.

"Hey, do you have an account for" She asks out of nowhere.

"Umm, yea. Why?" I ask.

"You seem like one of my friends on the website," She answers.

"Wait are you red_eyed?" I say when she says, "Wait are you Violet?"

"Oh, my lord," I'm laughing my head off right now. "Hey, can I call you Ally?"

"Only if I can call you... umm... Jess?" She asks,

"Hmm... Jess... Sure, Ally," I respond. We talk until 8:20 because schools gonna start in ten minutes.

Alisa Potter: Mystery at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now