chapter two | fail to plan, plan to fail.

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"Fix my soul so 
I don't lose in love again."

Preacher Man The Driver Era

In books, Remus found a solace. They were an escape, his secret getaway. The best part about it was that no one would know where that was. Not even the map. He'd be right in the Gryffindor common room when really he was somewhere else. A small village in Paris, a mansion atop a giant hill, a muggle high school in America. Books took Remus's often cluttered mind somewhere and dispersed his worries like knick-knacks to multiple pawn shops. 

Therefore, if Remus wasn't found in the common room, he was in the library. The first place his friends often looked was the library anyway. Of course, there he would be found, a pile of books surrounding him. It was no wonder he was one of the top students in his year, almost the whole school. Remus was one of those 'freaks' (as Sirius called him) who enjoyed school. He enjoyed learning new things and opening up his mind. The Sorting Hat spent a rather long time debating over Ravenclaw or Gryffindor in his first year. 

If he really wanted alone time, which was quite often, he would ask to use the map so his friends couldn't track him down. He loved his friends but at times he often felt out of place, like when you jam a puzzle piece in that nearly fits but not quite. They were loud and boisterous, it was no secret James and Sirius had probably nearly 200 detentions under their belts. Remus had a handful too, usually only because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Ophiuchus had a rather different relationship with books. She didn't hate them, she could quite often be found engrossed in a book too. The girl used them for information, they were a resource to be used instead of something purely for enjoyment. You could often find her in the restricted section of the library, brushing up a little on what tended to be darker subjects. 

So when the book of jinxes and hexes she'd been meaning to read for weeks was just out of her reach, you can bet she wasn't happy. There a strict no magic rule in the library, even pulling out a wand could result in a detention. While Ophiuchus could care less about rules, she had better things to do than polish trophies for hours. 

She was about to pull a chair over when a tan arm reacher over her head, bringing the fragile book down to her level. Taking the book from the strangers grasp she sighed in relief, looking up at them. "Thank yo- oh," a scowl stretched across her face. "it's you." 

"Thank you, Remus." He said in a mocking, high pitched voice before returning to his normal pitch. "Why you're ever so welcome, Ophiucus."

"Yeah whatever, Lupin. Thanks." 

Peering over her shoulder at the title on the front of the book, he snickered. He grabbed the book and pulled it out of her hands to examine it closer, flicking through the pages and causing dust to fly up. "Looking for new and ancient ways to piss people off are we?" 

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