GrUvia: Memories (Modern AU)

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Juvia's POV

I just sat there listening to music with my ears covered with my black headphones. I had been avoiding my friends lately since I told them that I needed time alone, I felt very lonely but I needed time to think about that strange dream I had last night.

There was this boy, he had black spiky hair and fierce black eyes, I sort of recognized that boy, I remembered the time when I was young, I would stay at the orphanage being called the only loner. But.............. I had a very beautiful hobby, I would stop by at church once a week leaving donations, not only that but I would play my violin at an infamous park where people stop by to listen and watch me play peacefully, at some times they would drop coins or dollars to my violin's empty case.

One day, I was walking my way home to the orphanage, until suddenly, a fist made contact with my pale cheek causing it to redden and make myself drop to the ground, I faced the other way seeing the girls who bullies me a lot at the orphanage, their leader picked the collar of my white shirt then punched my stomach as I spat out blood. Before I even knew it, I was being kicked hard at my stomach and back.

The kicking suddenly stopped and I started hearing a few punching and kicking sounds, I opened my eyes slowly, my vision was blurry so I started blinking a few times, when my vision cleared up my eyes widened in shock. My bullies lying on the ground beaten, also I spotted three figures standing unharmed at all, then I heard one of the figures saying, "If you ever hurt this girl again, the three of you will definitely face my wrath!!!!!!" I could tell it was a girl's voice as I grew more shocked, no one ever stood up for me, even once!

My bullies started standing up and then ran away as fast as a bull, one of the figures started cheering, the girl figure looked like she was smiling, the last one just sighed then faced me, I felt his eyes widen, he suddenly walked towards me, when he was in front of me, he took out his hand, I stared at it for awhile then accepted it as he helped me stand up. When I was off to the ground, I saw him smile at me, I was shocked at first but smiled back as my heart suddenly beated faster until I became unconscious.

When I woke up the next day, I then discovered I was in a hospital, the doctor came in with a nurse explaining about me having amnesia, and it was true, I couldn't even remember a single detail about what happened to me or my past. Not even the incident of me getting rescued by my rescuers, especially the boy who made my heart beat faster than ever.

My thoughts were interrupted by everyone scrambling their way to their seats since they heard footsteps which must've belonged to our teacher, I set my headphones down to my neck as I turned off my phone sitting quietly.

Happy-sensei came in with 3 new students telling all of us they'll be our new classmates for now on, one was a girl with long scarlet hair, she looked beautiful but I have a feeling she's the not the soft type kind of girl, one was a boy who had the most strangest hair color ever, it was salmon pink and it was also spiky, and he kinda looks very immature (just saying), and the last one was also a boy, he had very dark blue hair that was also spiky, and he looked rather cute. But, I've got to say, they look familiar, very familiar, then here comes the introductions, the first one to introduce is the salmon haired,

"Hi! The name's Natsu Dragneel! I'm 15 years old, and whenever you want to fight, I'll beat you easily!" he grinned. Yup, definetly immature, I'd say. I heard a dreamy sigh, I faced my side and saw one of my best friends, Lucy Heartfilla, looking at the salmon haired, Natsu, dreamily. O_o, is she falling for him?.............. Finally! She never fell in love with anyone until now. Then it was the girl's turn next to introduce,

"Hello, my name is Erza Scarlet, I am 16 years old, and I happen to be very good at karate, I also beated these two idiots into a pulp almost like everyday when they fight each other, so I hope to be very good with all of you" she said calmly while smiling. I knew it, I knew she was not soft at all. I felt an intensing heat behind me all of a sudden, I faced my back seeing my older brother, Jellal, blushing madly. OoO!!!!! My brother's falling for someone for the first time!! I smirked then faced the other way, noticing that the black haired boy will now be introducing himself while my heart strangely started beating in an incredible rate.

"Sup, the name's Gray Fullbuster, I'm 15 years old, I happen to be stuck with these two guys since we were kids. Since all of us have lost our parents, we grew up together in a beautiful orphanage, Fairy tail" he said, all of us gasps. We didn't know this guys had a hard past. I hope they get to enjoy it here at Fiore high.

The three of them were still standing, Happy-sensei eating his fish probably waiting for them to finish their story as we all sweat dropped. Gray was looking around the classroom, then his eyes met mine. His black eyes widened, he suddenly blushed red, I did the same, I don't know why.

Happy-sensei stopped eating his fish then ordered the trio to sit, they all nodded, Natsu ran straight towards the seat next to Lucy, I smirked at her as she picked her book opening it, letting it hide her blushing face. I didn't even notice Erza has already chosen a seat, and by what chair she's sitting on? The chair next to the now-steaming-Jellal. Gray searched for a sit while group of some of his fangirls were outside telling him not to sit next to a girl. He paid no attention to them as he sat next to me causing some of his fangirls to cry, and some of his fangirls squealing saying were a cute couple as him and I blushed


It was already lunch, me and my best friends walked upstairs to the rooftop where we usually hang out together. It was strange, but Natsu, Erza, Gray and other new students came along since Mira invited them.

While we were eating lunch, the trio were having a conversation near us, so we won't be able to hear what their saying. They walked back to us, Mira was giggling the whole time causing us to get ready since we know she's gonna do something 'romantic'. I was watching the beautiful view alone, my friends were talking with the new guys.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder revealing Gray, he was looking down with his bangs curtaining his eyes. He suddenly did something making me very shocked.





I pulled away, as I slapped him. He started to chuckle making my heart to skip a beat,

"You DID change a bit, Rain woman"

My eyes widen, he looked at me with a tear slipping down his pale cheek, grinning widely,

"H-how di-did you-you-" I stuttered

"I remembered you" he smiled while he took both of my hands pulling me close to him, "You were that girl who we saved from those three witches, years ago"

My eyes widen, and my mouth dropped, the memory of me getting rescued by three unidentified kids, one was a boy who was immature and idiotic but courageous and protective of his friends, one was a girl who happens to be scary and hot tempered but gentle and beautiful, lastly was a boy who was cold but he was the only one to make my heart skip a beat. I know who they are now, I didn't even notice but I was tearing up, Gray used his thumb to wipe the tear on my cheek, and pulled me into a hug. Tears of joy coming out of my eyes, the others were watching us with smiles and tears, the only difference I saw right now, Jellal had an arm around Erza's neck, Natsu was hugging Lucy calming her from the crying she had, the new student, Laxus Dreyar, holding hands with Mira, and Levy resting her head on Gajeel's shoulder. This all made me smile.

As I was done crying, I pulled away from the hug, then I started kissing Gray as everyone cheered. When we pulled away, I smiled, "Does this mean Gray is Juvia's girlfriend?"

Gray's eyes widen but he soon grinned, "Heck yeah!"

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