JeRza: Imagining will soon be reality (Inspired)

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Third person's POV:

The blue haired man walked side by side with both of his teammates, Ultear and Meredy, as they traveled around the country. Sometimes they would stop by an inn or a restaurant to rest in for awhile then focus back in doing their job.

As the trio traveled to the mountains, Meredy got really bored and had nothing to do, she looked around searching if she could make something out of nature; since they were at the mountains, all she could find were rocks and dirt, she sighed deeply as her eyes landed on Jellal who was sitting on a big rock staring at the beautiful view. Meredy's eyes suddenly began to shine while a mischievous smirk grew on her face, she looked at Ultear beside her who confusingly stared at her, the pink haired then began telling her about her plan. Ultear's eyes widen in delight while a grin showed, she walked towards the blue haired. Sitting beside him, she placed her arm around his neck,

"What are you thinking about, Jelly?"

The blue haired immediately blushed when his teammate said that reminding him of what he was thinking of while Meredy appeared beside her dark haired friend smirking,

"I think you asked the wrong question Ultear, the right question is, 'WHO is he thinking of?'" she grinned

"I think I know who it is", Ultear smirked, "Erza, right?"

Jellal blushed the brightest red, as he started standing up but was instantly pushed back down by one of his newfound and younger friends, Stacey.


Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy were running as fast as they can to get away from the magic council's guards since they were caught awhile ago when a fly caught Jellal's eye as he took his mask and hood off as he rubbed his eye.

They were still running pass stores and houses until someone pulled them into a dark alley way as the guards passed by not noticing them, Ultear looked at the mysterious figure who happened to have a hood curtain her face, "Thank you" she smiled as the figure nodded

"Who are you?" Meredy asked from behind

The figure pulled her hood down as the trio finally could finally see her whole face, "I'm Stacey; 12 years old and a proud Fairy Tail mage" the young lady grinned, the two ladies were giggling to death when they saw their blue haired leader visibly pale

Flashback end

"Aww... I know you've had a huge crush on Erza ever since you were kids, and I know you've had some erotic fantasies of you and her doing stuff together" the girl smirked as Jellal retorted,


"Like; I don't know", Stacey said sarcastically, "You and her watching the stars alone", Ultear smirks at Jellal who blushed, "You and her holding hands while eating strawberry shortcake", Meredy holds herself from laughing too hard, "And my most favorite of all is you and her staring intensely at each other's eyes then the both of you.........


Jellal blushed the brightest red stammering, Ultear and Meredy couldn't help but laugh hard, Stacey did the same, except she was on the ground rolling,

"I bet Jellal didn't want it to be a dream, maybe he wanted to do it for real!!" Ultear laughed "Yeah, and maybe he would start making out with her!!" Meredy added while hugging herself

After a little while, the three ladies were done with their laughing fit, Stacey then looked at her watch,

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys but I still have to get back to the guild, wouldn't want to miss Scarlet's party now, would I?" Stacey winked. She truned around as she started walking away

"Wait!", Jellal called as Stacey stopped and turned to face them, "Today's Erza's birthday?"

"Yeah! I promised her I would attend her birthday party when I'm done with my mission", she smiled but then shuddered, "Or I will have to face the painful consequences she'll give me later"

'That's Erza for you' the three thought while visibly sweat dropping

"You guys should come!", the young mage suggested breaking their thoughts surprising the group, "Erza would be pleased and I'm certain she'll be very happy to see a blue haired, tattooed, clumsy, bad lying "I have a fiancé" idiot"

Ultear and Meredy began laughing again but this time louder as Jellal looked away blushing while muttering something about something or SOMEONE being stupid, "So, you guys in or what?" Stacey questioned anxiously


The four mages finally reached Magnolia as they finally arrived in the guild, Fairy tail, "We-we made it" Meredy panted out placing an arm on Ultear's shoulder. Stacey began shuddering again while drops of sweat rolled down her head as she mentally begged in her head, 'Oh Mavis, please tell me I'm not late!!!!!!'

She opened the doors only to find the whole guild gathering on one table with the requip mage blowing the three candles Natsu lit up on her birthday cake, when they all noticed the four, Erza right away glared at the young Mage not even noticing that Jellal and the two were there,

'Uh-oh, I think this is gonna be a problem' the whole guild thought when Erza stood up and summoned her sword walking towards Stacey who landed on her knees and bowed repeatingly,

"Erza, I can explain!!!!!!!!" She cried out after the scarlet haired had gripped the collar of her shirt and brought her up to her face, Stacey could feel a familiar, dark, and demonic aura surrounding the warrior,

"And what better and good explanation you'll tell me why are you late?!!!!!!!" She boomed furiously.

The whole guild were quiet. From outside, some people would pass by the huge building wondering what had happened to the noisy people. The guild watch Stacey who weakly pointed her index finger at the trio, Erza followed to where it's pointing (her eyes still narrowed dangerously)as her eyes widen in shock when she finally noticed the three who waved awkwardly,

"I passed by Clover town since they sell the best of the best of strawberry cake, it was you're favorite so I bought one. When I was about to go, I saw some guards chasing Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear, so I decided to help them get away, then I told them it was you're birthday and I asked them if they wanted to come, they answered yes", she paused,

"Since you told me you wanted to get you're first kiss on you're birthday, I led Jellal and the other two here to the guild so Jelly can give you a sweet kiss as a birthday present of mine since I lost the cake" she explained with tears on the edges of her eyes as Erza still had wide eyes, it was still quiet for awhile until,

"Now, can you please not kill me?!" Stacey couldn't help but cry loudly as Erza noticed she was still gripping on her shirt, she let go of her as the young Mage fell on the floor with an "Eep!". Jellal smiled and slowly walked up to her, he held her hands looking her straight into her brown eyes,

"To be honest, we never knew that she would plan this whole thing, but...", he leaned closer as she did the same; the others were either eating popcorn, or were watching, hoping it won't turn out into a fail, "But strangely, I'm glad she did" The two's lips were inches apart until they closed the gap, they passionately kissed while the whole guild cheered. They separated smiling and hugging each other,

"Me too" Erza smiled but then glared at Stacey, "You're lucky, but if you're ever late again, I will literally kill you, got it?!"

"A-aye" she whimpered until she heard Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, and Happy laugh,

"You're face is priceless, ya know!" Only to be sent flying after the young Mage had kicked them. Everyone in the guild sweat dropped, 'Note to self, never make Stacey angry again' they all thought as some members went to find the four idiots.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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