Jerza: Together Again (part 2)

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Erza's POV

We were on our way to Fairy Tail high, to be honest, I'm nervous and scared. I don't know what to do when I'm gonna enter the school and see everyone again, I'm freaking out!

I suddenly heard Stacey chuckle beside me, I looked at her confused, "Erza, do you need to use the bathroom? Cause it looks like you're about to pee", she said amusingly probably teasing me

"SHUT UP!!!", I shouted blushing as she laughed


We made it on time as I locked my car, me and Stacey were walking side by side, every step I took were worth it, no complaints and excuses getting out of my mouth. Stacey smiled at me while we both entered the school walking to where the gym is knowing that everyone arrived already, as we entered the gym, we could see it was packed with families and friends. A group of our old friends were on the stage having the time of their life; I saw Natsu eating wildly where the food is served while his wife and children couldn't do anything but watch him, I smiled. Stacey suddenly tapped my shoulder, I looked at her as she pointed to a table where Jellal was sitting on alone, I faced her shaking my head saying that I wasn't ready yet. She sighed,

"Alright, fine, I'll let you cool off for a moment" she said then walked away leaving me


I was sitting on a table alone eating the pasta I got from where the food was served, Natsu spotted me but he didn't recognize me since I was near him. I sighed sadly, I'm such a coward. Suddenly, I see Stacey on the stage, she looked at the crowd for a moment then her eyes landed on me, she smirked making me confused, she held onto a mike as the music stopped playing, everyone then faced her,

"Good evening guys!!!!!" She greeted cheerfully

"Hey, Stace!"


"Welcome back, my child!"

"About time you showed up!"

"You're back!"

"Greeting everyone is a man!"

Stacey laughed at all the replies she got, she suddenly glanced at me then faced the crowd again, "Everyone, all of you might've been the greatest nakama I've ever had", everyone cheered as she continued, "When I transferred here, I thought I would spend the whole school year alone in the shadows, but because of one special girl" she smiled at me, "She had showed me what Fairy Tail really is, and made it better" she paused, "I know Erza had pushed all of you away, especially Jellal", Jellal's head shot up after hearing his name, "But she just didn't want to get hurt again after her being enslaved when she was young, but to tell of you the truth she loves all of you, she loves how you guys treat people rightly, she loves how you guys have your own ways, she loves how you guys fight and challenged each other on daily fights", I softly giggled at that, "But most of all, she loves how you guys cared and protected each other, how you longed for our nakama. So........... Why don't we all forget about those hard times and enjoy the party?", Everyone cheered loudly, "Let's do this, Fairy Tail!!!!!" Stacey then held up the school's hand symbol as everyone followed with their roaring cries of happiness. I didn't even notice that I was crying until I felt a tear on my cheek. I suddenly smiled again before the time Jellal didn't marry Clara yet,

"I missed that smile" I heard someone said

I turned around, my eyes widened while my heart started beating, there standing in front of me was the man I had fell in love with, Jellal, "You look beautiful" he commented

I then blushed, "Stacey was actually the one who did the choosing and makeup" I explained

He started walking closer to me as my heart began beating rapidly, "Well, do you know what can be more beautiful on you?"

"What?" I asked

He smiled, "A wedding dress", he replied

My eyes widened and my face became the exact color of my hair when he got down on one knee, "Erza Scarlet, when we never saw each other after these years, I felt like something was missing in my life, other than the feeling I felt with Clara, the feeling I'm with you is more........ Um......", he thought for awhile until Stacey answered, "Incredible?"

"Yes! More incredible! I loved Clara but I loved my best friend more, so Erza Scarlet........." He suddenly showed me a beautiful ruby ring, "Will you marry me?"

I smiled but then frowned, "I would love to, but....... You're kids-"

"I talked to them", he interrupted me as my mouth dropped, "They said they would love to have another mother. Isn't that right guys?" He asked his children beside him

"Yeah! I'm gonna have another mommy!" One of Jellal's daughters (the youngest), Alana cheered

"It would be sooooooo awesome!" his other daughter (the middle), Jem grinned

"You said she was good at swords fighting, I would be honored and happy to be her son" his only son (the eldest) smiled, "And I would like to have a baby brother, I'm getting quite annoyed everyday with these two gossip-iss"

"Hey!" the two girls exclaimed rather offended

Jellal sweatdropped then faced me, "So, what do you think?" He asked smiling

"What do I think?" I repeated then grinned, "When do we start the wedding?" I grinned, "Yes! A million times YES!!!!!"

Jellal grinned then slid the ring on my finger, he stood up as he held my face bringing his lips into my mine, everyone then cheered.

"I-I-I-I'm in HEAVEN!!!!!!!" I heard Mira squeal then she fainted

"Mom!" Her daughter said rushing to her mother's side as Stacey and everyone else began laughing

I'll never forget this moment, EVER

(Erza's dress---------------->)

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