Reddie (bikes)

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"What do you want Rich?"
"I want ice cream!" Richie pouted like a toddler
"Ok, fine. But we're not walking." I stated, Richie is my best friend. Though at home I'm tossed around like a rag doll, Richie always let me make real decisions.
"Wasn't planning on it Eds," he said with a grin on his face
"Don't call me that!" I stated firmly
"Aww you're cute when you're mad at me!"
"Then I must be adorable," I muttered under my breath as I walked out of my house to me and Richie's bike.
"What was that Eddie Spaghetti? Did you just say I'm adorable?" He gasped with a hand on his heart
"What? No! No."I said peddling faster trying to hide my blush

As we rode 10 more minutes down the rode in a comfortable silence. As we arrived at the ice cream parlour I decided on getting one scoop of plain vanilla ice cream in a small cup.

"I'll get one scoop of vanilla please," I said politely

"Plain vanilla, Eds?!" He asked shocked, "We'll both get black raspberry with rainbow sprinkles in chocolate dipped cones,"

"But I've never had that before," I stated weekly, but it was too late the nice lady over the counter handed over the purple melting dairy product. Richie and I thanked her and walked outside to the nearest bench and sat down. Richie was already devouring his ice cream and I stared at mine as it started dripping down my hand.

"Like this Eds!" Richie said in a 'duh' tone and took a big lick of his ice cream.

" I know Richie!" I exclaimed. I closed my eyes and licked the melting ice cream. My eyes shot open as I swallowed it

"Bad?" Richie asked slightly glum.

"No! Far from bad, AMAZING!" I nearly screamed. Richie chuckled at my excitement,

"I knew you'd like it Eddie spaghetti,"

I was too engrossed in my ice cream to realize what he called me.We both scarfed down the last of our ice cream and I hopped up on my bike and headed down to the quarry, Richie following closely behind me. when all of a sudden my brakes snapped and I went flying down the hill. I let out a long high pitched scream as I saw a tree coming up, I was frozen in shock and in fear. I closed my eyes and braced for impact when suddenly I felt a tug on my shoulders and I fell to the ground. I closed my eyes and I heard my bike crash into the tree that caused me fear a few seconds earlier. I opened my tearful eyes and looked up at Richie.

"Oh my god Eddie are you ok?" Richie asked terrified. My adrenaline was still pumping, so I sat up and looked at him face to face. I leaned in closer and closer until I closed the cap between us. The kiss lasted 2 second before I pulled away.

"I am now," I said Richie had a dazed look on his face before saying,

"I feel like a deer in the headlights of love,"

I giggled slightly at the stupid remark,

"That giggle is what drives me crazy," he said in 'matter of fact' tone before kissing me again this time for longer. I pulled away as I winced trying to move.

"Come on Eds lets get you cleaned up," I stood up and looked down, I had cuts and a big gash from my ankle to half way up to my knee

"Ok," tears pricked my eyes as I tried to walk

"You can't ride a bike back to your house Eds!" Richie stated as a fact, "here hop on,"

I jumped onto Richies bike, he peddled more slowly than a snail on a tight rope

"Richie! Oh my god I'm fine! I'm not gunna pass out if you go fast! I just wanna get home, do you know how many germs can be crawling in my cuts right now?" I exclaimed

He peddled faster until we reached my house. He cleaned up my cuts, after he finished he carried me to the couch. I was tense as I felt the cleaning spray still seeping into me.

"Relax Eddo spagetto, you're ok now."

I laid my head down on Riche's lap as he turned on the TV. I relaxed as I felt Richie's hands in my hair. My eyes began to feel droopy and Richie said quietly as he felt my breathing slow down,

" you're ok now Eddie, your safe with me, nothing will ever hurt you again, I promise."

Little did he know, I listened to everything he said, my heart broke as I heard him sniffle. I turned around to face him,

"Richie, this is not your fault." He nodded, not totally believing me and told me to go back to sleep.
I turned back around and Richie's hands fell back into place in my hair.

"Goodnight Eds," he whispered. I fell into a light sleep and Richie carried my petite sleeping figure upstairs. He set me down on my bed and laid down next to me. I dashed awake in a cold sweat about 3 hours later. Richie woke up, too and put his arms around me.

"What happened?" He cooed

"I had a nightmare, you kissed me but then you..."

"What did I do?"

"You turned into Pennywise and tried to kill me," tears began to spill out of my eyes

"Hey, Hey Eds. It's ok, it's over now. You're safe with me, I promise." I nodded, still shaking.


"Yes Eddie?"

"Will you um...Will you.....bemyboyfriend?" I said quickly

"What Eds?"

"Will," I gulped, "Will. You, Um..."

"Spit it out Eds! It's only me." I turned to face him. I put my lips on his and they danced a perfect harmony he put his hand on my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Hating to cut the kiss off I still had to.

"Wow," Richie mused

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked more confident this time. Richie answered me my kissing me softly,

"I'd love to,"

I grinned from ear to ear as he laid down next to me, putting his glasses on the table behind him. He placed his head in the crook of my neck and his arms snakes around my waist. We both dozed if almost instantly.

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