Bilverly (the crash)

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It was my fault, every piece of the blame should go on me I'm the reason that Bill is here in this hospital in a coma. Here's how it happened.


"Yes Bev?"

"Can you come with me to the store to get some milk?"

"You j-just don't want to d-d-drive do ya?"

"My words exactly Bill, so let's go!" I giggled. He grinned and started walking out of our shared apartment to the car, me following.

We started down the rode when someone with no headlights and was driving on the wrong side of the rode crashed into us. Bill put his arm in front of me, blocking me from going forward into the glass. But Bill wasn't as lucky, his arm fell limp and he fell unconscious.

"Bill? Bill! Bill wake up!" No response I took out my phone and called 911.

"Hello? Yes me and my friend have been in a car crash, he's not awake, yes he's still breathing. We're at the corner of Washington St and Hay Rd. Ok, ok thank you."

I gripped his limp hand, "this is all my fault Bill, but I promise you'll be ok," I kissed his hand and lowered my forehead to it. Tears began falling out of my eyes, from pain, guilt, and sorrow. All I could do now was wait for the ambulance to come and take Bill to safety. About 10 minutes after my call, I heard sirens and flashing lights I gripped on Bill's hand tighter. I felt strong arms drag me out of the rubble, I let go of Bill just for a moment.

"Are you ok? How did this happen?" A deep husky voice asked me

"I'm ok, is Bill going to be alright? We were just driving down to the market when someone who was driving on the wrong side of the rode with no headlights crashed into us," I explained the best I could without bursting into tears, "is Bill going to be ok?" I added

"It's too early for us to tell," I nodded and looked back at the discarded car

"go on home and try to get some rest, he'll be at the hospital tomorrow,"

I headed home, not being long before I got there. I sat down on my old creaky bed, I thought about Bill his laugh his hair his love for Georgie, he was sweet and kind. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep dreaming about Bill. The next morning I rushed down to the hospital and asked which room he was in,

"438 hun," an old woman said in a very husky voice, she was a smoker.

I rushed down to Bills room and crashed through the door, the sight in front of me broke my heart. Bill was laying there unconscious with tubes and machines attached to him. I sat down in the chair and grabbed his hand.

He's been in this hospital for 7 agonising days I started to loose hope. I grabbed his hand once again,

"Hey Bill! You've been asleep for a week and I really miss you. When you get out of your coma I'm going to tell you everything I've been wanting to, I'm going to tell you that this is all my fault and I'm sorry, I'm going to tell you how much I've missed you, and I'll tell you that I love you, so so much." I kissed his hand and a tear slip down my face. I let go of his hand and walked over to his beautiful sleeping face and leaned down and kissed his soft lips and just like in every fairytale, he woke up.


I nodded and more tears slipped down my face.

"I'm so sorry Bill, if I don't ask you to go with me you would not be here right now, I missed you so much, I'm so so sorry Bill." I cried into his hand

"Bev, listen to me, this is not your fault, ok? I um I. I love you Bev and not like my best friend." He Said lovingly

"I love you too Bill." I leaned down and kissed his soft lips both of ours dancing in a perfect harmony. I pulled away and sat back down into my chair and intertwined our fingers together, his hand reassured me that he would be back home to me soon. I called over our friends to see him. Bill is getting out of the hospital in 2 days.

"Bill were so happy to see you!" Richie exclaimed for him and Eddie

"Oh my god, are you in any pain Bill?" Eddie asked

Bill chuckled, "not anymore Eddie," Richie and Eddie decided to stay for a little bit. Beverly was talking lightly to Bill and Richie joined in on some conversations, but Eddie feel asleep cuddled up next to Richie.

"Well, I better get this one home," Richie stated, "goodbye Bev, see ya later big Bill," he picked Eddie up bridal style and kissed his forehead lightly. Other friends came and went but Bev stayed there overnight until it was clear that he could go home. Bev drove this time, about 5 miles under the speed limit, scared to hurt Bill even more, she had her hand tangled up in Bill's. As they arrived home Bill walked to his bedroom to rest, Bev did the same. But she couldn't fall asleep, she was just too worried about Bill. Bev walked sleepily to Bill's room and knocked on the door lightly before pushing it open slightly.

"Bill, are you still awake?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." Bill said in a tired voice. Bev walked over to Bill's bed and kissed him sweetly.

"I couldn't sleep either, can I stay in here with you?"

"Sure Bev," she laid down and turned toward Bill, "I love you Bev."

"I love you too, Bill," she scooted closer to Bill and put her head in the crook of his neck she rested her arm over his waist. Bill rested his hand on her waist and their legs tangled together. They both dozed off quickly, happy to finally be together.

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