Stenbrough (movies)

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Bill and Stan were sitting on Bill's blue and white stripped sofa in his basement. Stan was cuddled up against Bill and Bill had his arms around Stan protectively.


"Y-yes, S-S-Stan?"

Stan mentally awed at Bill's studder, everything about Bill was cute, his neat hair, his brown eyes, his protectiveness, his stutter, his-,

"E-e-earth to st-Stan!" He giggled cutely

Stan quickly realized He was staring and blushed a deep crimson red,

"Wh-what did yo-you n-n-need, S-Stan?"

"Do you want to go to the movies? They're playing the new movie, Three Men and a Baby. I heard it's hilarious!"

"Sh-sh-sure! I'd love t-to g-g-go with you! S-so is th-this a d-d-date?" Bill asked hopefully

"Bill, we've been dating for 3 years,"

"Y-yeah. S-s-so?"

"You're a dork," Stan said

"I may be a dork, but I'm your dork!"

"Didn't stutter once," Stan said feeling butterflies in his stomach

"I d-don't stutter wh-when I c-care about something a l-lot,"

Butterflies, did I say butterflies? I meant hawks. No, not hawks, a pterodactyl was flying around in circles in Stan's stomach. His cheeks were no longer a rosy pink. But instead a dark cherry red. His eyes widened and his pupils grew.

"Y-yeah.Y-You are."

"Oh c-come on Stan, s-s-stuttering is my th-thing!" Bill said as he lifted Stan's bright red face up to look in his eyes.

"I love you Bill,"

"I love you too Stan," Bill pushed his lips onto Stans

"Come on Stan. L-let's go watch th-that m-m-movie." Stan couldn't reply he had a big frog in his throat. So he just nodded, profusely, still looking up at Bill with big round eyes. Bill grabbed Stan's hand and dragged him to his car and drove down to the movies. Stan starred straight ahead watching each sigh go by.

"Y-you ok?" Bill asked slightly worried

Stan replied by taking Bill's hand and kissing it softly, intertwining their fingers. Bill caressed Stan's hand with his thumb. They drove in a comfortable silence before they arrived at the cinema.

"I'll have a box of milk duds," Stan said as he pulled out his wallet Bill pushed it right back into his pocket.


"I g-got it S-Stan,"

"Bill, are you sur-"

"I-it's no problem at a-a-all Stan, promise,"

Stan just nodded and smiled sweetly. As they walked into the theatre, they found two back row seats and sat with there hands intertwined and Stan's head resting on Bills shoulder. Halfway through the movie Stan said,


"Yes, Love?"

"How did I get so lucky to have a boyfriend like you?"

"Aww, but the real question is how did we get to find each other? Stan you bring out the best in me, so make me feel so many butterflies and so much love, I loved you since we fought IT, you helped me get back on my feet after   Georgie died. I just love you so much."

"Bill, I love you too. Ya know, I could get used to you not stuttering, I like your non-stuttering voice."

"Thanks Stan,"



"I love you more," Stan stated in a matter-a-fact tone

Bill just blushed and planted a light kiss on Stan's soft lips.

"Wait a second how long had the movie been over?" Stan asked

"About 20 minutes," someone said

"Who are you?"

"Well Stan the man I thought you would be a little more happy to see your old pal Richie!" Richie! Of course!

"Y-you didn't hear m-much did y-you?" Bill asked gripping Stan's hand

"Only all of it!" Someone else  smirked


"Hey don't blame me! Richie dragged me down here and when he heard you talking after the movie stopped he made us stay!"

"You love me!" Richie exclaimed

"Yeah, I do. Let's get outta here Rich. See ya Bill bye Stan!"

"What idiots!" Bill muttered

"Bill are you tired?

"Only a little," He replied innocently

"I'm driving," Stan stated

As they drove back to Bill's house, Bill fell asleep, so Stan had to carry him back inside and trust me it was not easy. As he finally got him to bed he tried to set a blanket out in the floor, only to be cut short by a tug in his shirt,

"Stay with me Stanny!" Bill pleaded

Stan giggled and made his way into the bed, he cuddled with Bill, legs tangled together. Stan pressed a soft kiss on Bill's cheek and whispered,

"Goodnight my love,"

Only to be responded by a soft snore. Stan snuggled his head into the pillow and shortly feel asleep to the sound of Bill's light breathing and his warmth.

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