Soulmates (Reddie)

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Ok guys, I know it's late and you where probably expecting another ship. But I just thought of this soulmate AU and Reddie fit perfectly with it, so I just had to write it.

I've loved Richie for as long as I can remember. His smile, his hair, is everything. When everyone turns 18, the name of their soulmate appears on their wrist at midnight. Everyday since I was 10 I wrote Richie on my arm where the tattoo would appear one day. And the next morning before school I would wash it off, hoping nobody would see how hopelessly in love I am with him.

One day when I was 17 I woke up, too blinded with the thought of Richie that tomorrow was my birthday. Today I decided to keep Richies name on my arm. Since it's a cold November day, it wouldn't be weird to have a long sleeve shirt on. I walk into school, tired and alone. Not wanting to talk to anyone. The day went by agonizingly slow, each bell seemed to wait an eternity before it rang.

I slouched all the way home, ignoring my mother's voice in my head, "perfect posture makes a perfect prince!" As I crash down on my old, creaky, small bed the thought of Richie flashed through my mind like a tornado ripping it's path through my heart. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I realize, this is pointless, I've know Richie forever, why would he like me? The thoughts raced through my head as tears fell from my eyes. My thoughts keep on coming and coming, you are nothing to Richie, these voices started as my own voice, but soon turned into my mother's voice. Nobody will love you as much as I love you Eddiebear!! I tried to fight back. But it's true. It's sad but it's written in stone. He'll never love me the way I love him. It's true, it's sad, it's fate. I'm going to have to get him out of my mind one day. As I stare emotionlessly at the wall, tears streaming down my face like a rainstorm on a cloudy night. I suddenly hear an alarm. I check my phone and on it, there is an alarm labeled: the moment you have been waiting for. I remember that! When I was 13 and saved up enough money to buy a phone, I set an alarm to go off the second I turned 18. I pull up the red sleeve covering my fate and run to the bathroom. I grab the sponge and scrub at the pen ink that I have written on my creamy skin. But I noticed the ink wouldn't come off. I scrubbed and scrubbed until my skin with as red as an apple. Until I finally realized. Richie is my soulmate! Tears began to fill my eyes again as everything I had ever hoped for has came true. I wanted to run to Richie's house and scream out the news.

I began to trudge down the stairs but was caught off Guard by the doorbell ringing. I nearly tripped over my own feet as I raced to the door. At the door I see standing the one person who could make me believe in love again. His sleeve was rolled up to expose his wrist. I put mine next to his and everything made sense in the world again. A tear fell from my eyes as I stared down at Our intertwined hands. He lifts my chin up so I could gaze into his eyes. He wiped the stray tear falling to my chin with his thumb. I close the gap between us. This is all so perfect, it's like a dream.

Richie is my everything, my husband, my best friend, my light, my love, the only thing that could make me believe in happy endings. He is my soulmate.
The end! I was this close to writing an angst. But then I was like nawwww let the peeps enjoy love!!!! The only reason i really wrote this is because that is everything I ever hope for will happen to me. Eddie in the beginning is everything I'm feeling right now sooooo...
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this!!! I'm sooo so so sorry I haven't been updating I'm
Just really uninspired 😕

Mileven_Reddie 🌈🌈🌈

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