Chapter One, My Story

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Hello everyone! It's Lena here with my first story :) I hope you enjoy it, and please tell me what you think!!!! And I would love it if you point out spelling errors :)  

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}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~{ Chapter One, My Story }~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{

Falling... I remember falling...  

I was falling off a building, well actually I jumped. Not because I was suicidal or anything, I was trying to get away from the police. And when you're on top of a 5 story museum with nowhere else to go, it seemed like a good idea at the time! But I think I should tell you how I got on top of the museum at 1am in the morning surrounded by police officers who would be more then happy to end my short life.

My name is Rika, but to the police and the media, I'm the Fire Thief. Yes, I am a thief. But it's not as bad as it sounds, I only steal to feed my family. We're not blood related, but they're the closest thing I've ever had to a family. You see, when I was 12 I met a boy named Jake;

I remember that day well. I was sitting in the park, just watching the people go by, when a handsome boy with curly, jet black hair and deep brown eyes walked up to me.  

"Hey, I've never seen you around here before. What's your name?" he asked. I looked up at him and noticed he had a scar on his left cheek bone.  

"Rika..." I said quietly. I wasn't used to talking to people, or people talking to me for that matter.  

"It's nice to meet you Rika, I'm Jake." He said extending a hand for me to shake, I ignored it. "So why haven't I seen you here before, Rika?"  

"My new foster parents live around here... But I probably won't be here long. They'll just send me back, like all the others did." I said looking down.  

"What do you mean?" He frowned and sat on the bench next to me.  

"No one has ever cared about me. They don't like me, so they send me back..." It's true I had never stayed in one place for more then a month. "They say I'm defective."  

"That's terrible! You seem perfectly fine to me." He said. "I think I have an idea though! You can come live with me and my friend Quinn, I'm sure she'd be happy to have another girl to talk to." He smiled at me and I looked up. "We can be your family." And for the first time in a long time, I smiled.

That's how I became part of a team, but also part of a family. My family currently;

Jake, he's the muscle of the operation. He frequently accompanies me on jobs. Jake is 19. He told me his parents abandoned him on a street corner when he was 9, and he had been stealing stuff just to stay alive ever since. Since I'd met him, he only became more handsome. His black hair had grown out a bit and was straight now. He still had that little scar on his left cheek bone, he said he got it when he met Quin.

Quinn, She's only one year younger then me, 16, but she's a computer expert- very helpful when you get trapped in a bank's safe and she's the only one who can crack the code, believe me I know- Though she couldn't win a fist fight to save her life. She met Jake shortly after she ran away from her home. He protected her from a group of drunken teenagers, that's how he got his scar. I asked Quinn once why she ran away, but she told me it was too painful to think about. We never talked about it again. She had long blonde hair that she always kept up in a pony tail, brown eyes, and she was the skinniest girl I've ever met.

Aaron, he's the cutest 6 year old you could ever meet! He has curly bleach blonde hair and eyes the color of the ocean. We found him a year ago wandering the streets, he didn't remember anything about himself except his name and how old he was. He doesn't go to Jobs with us, he's always with Quinn back home.

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