❝ soulmate + how you meet ❞

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•dedicated to dearcheol

Zhengting; met when you are delivering pizza to his dorm. You are shocked once he opens the door as he comes with a facial mask on his face. You nearly drop the pizza boxes but luckily, he holds them before you doing so. You are super awkward that time but he just let out a cute laugh, making you smile to your awkwardness. "I will order pizza everyday from now on", the only words that make you sleepless and excited to go delivering pizza again and again.

Yanjun; met at an ice-skating rink. He helps you to get up because you keep falling on the ice as you are not an expert at skating. While your friends just laughing at you falling repeatedly, Yanjun accompany you to skate and he even volunteer himself to teach you to skate. Once you are good enough to skate on your own, he proposes you in the middle of the ice-skating rink, witnessed by everyone.

Ziyi; met in the detention class. He keeps disturbing you by throwing papers. However, you are mad and both of you fight in the detention class as the teacher-on-duty goes to the toilet and once he comes back, he makes you and Ziyi to do a voluntary work at the pet shop for a fortnight, as the result of both of you fighting. Both of you start to create a bond during the voluntary work.

Zhangjing; met at a restaurant. You accidentally bump onto him when carrying your tray of food to your seat and make his white shirt stained with curry. You say sorry way too much and he wants you to pay for his shirt but you barely afford to pay for it since it is damn expensive. You know he isn't just an ordinary people but you can't help yourself from bursting into tears because you really can't pay for it. He is sorry for that so he changes the pay thing to treat him breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole month and what you do is go to him with food ready with you. At the end of the month, you confess to him with special Malaysian dishes and he happily accepts you because he also likes you from the start.

Nongnong; met when you are rushing to work. You are running to the bus stop to catch up with the bus but you trip on your shoelace, sending you fall face flat on the ground. Nongnong who already gets on the bus quickly gets out and help you. You resist his help at first because you already make him miss the bus but he keeps on insisting that he can help you with your bleeding forehead. He gives you his handkerchief and soon both of you seperate to your own ways. However, you meet him again at your company dinner night, turns out that he is the son of your big boss and you are responsible to show him around. "Can you show me the way to your heart? I'm sure it needs sunshine because I can be one for you", you are speechless to this but soon you gain your normal sense back and blush to his words.

Xiaogui; met at a singing contest. You and your bandmates are joining a contest and you are going to battle with Xiaogui's band for the semi-final. He is attracted to your voice and you attracted to his charisma when rapping. Xiaogui makes his first move, asking you and your badmates to hang out together with him and his bandmates at his garage where they always practice. You learn how to rap from Xiaogui and soon, every night both of you go out and have a late night supper by the river while talking about your daily and yet personal problems. He finally says that he likes you in a very cute way that you barely resist.

Chengcheng; met when you accidentally go into men's restroom at the airport. You hit him with your handbag because you think he is a pervert sneaking into women's restroom. You find out it is your fault for entering the wrong restroom after you see Zhengting and Justin come out from the toilet stalls. You wish you won't see him again next time because you are embarrassed of your stupid action but unfortunately, fate decides to make you meet Chengcheng again in the school as he just moved into the same school as yours.

Xukun; met when he finds out you are sleeping in the library when the library is about to close. He wakes you up but you are too sleepy so he brings you to have a coffee at the nearby cafe after both of you get out from the place. You never thought he would treat you for the coffee and some desserts so, you offer to treat him the other day once you meet again. From that on, both of you meet every lunch hour and secretly falling to each other.

Justin; met when he accidentally hit you with his bicycle when you are jogging at the park. He is feeling too guilty for making you couldn't walk as you sprained your leg so, he sends you to a nearby clinic to treat your already swollen ankle. It turns out that Justin is your new neighbour in your neighbourhood and this make him comes to your house everyday just to take care of you. "The day I accidentally hit you is the day I lost my soul to you", his words make you chuckle as it adds up to his cuteness. Who can resist Justin Huang by the way?

Zhangjing; met when your bestie forces you to follow her for a double date with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's bestie at the karaoke and you are amazed by Zhangjing's vocal. Also, you adore Zhangjing because he is cute with those sparkling eyes once he sees food. "Are you a mochi? Because you look cute when you eat", the only words that make you blush and choke to your saliva.

Yanjun; met at a tutor class. Yanjun is a guy at the same age as yours but he is way too smart. He is your personal tutor and your parents pay him a lot just to make sure you pass every exam at school. Your tutor class session always be held at the library, at the very corner part where there is barely no one there and only you and him there. Everytime you pass your exam in each subjects, he treats you your favourite food or give you a present. You secretly crushing on him but afraid to tell because it would make you distracted. When your final exam result is out, he confesses to you during graduation day, in front of your parents, friends and teachers. Love paid back after all.

Chengcheng; met at a drink vending machine. Chengcheng doesn't have enough coins to buy the drinks and you, who is waiting behind him realize it. You give him some coins and he shyly accepts it. You never thought that you would meet him again but the next week, it is you the one who don't have enough money to buy your favourite drink because all your money spent on some clothes for your father's birthday gift. Chengcheng comes and buys you your favourite drink and you both realize that it is fate to meet each other as both of you start to date on the next day. "I hope I can be this drink because I want to be your favourite too", he is all you need now.


Uff way too long I guess. Which one is your fav? 😋

Btw, I'm trying to finish every dedications to my readers but college is hella busy so yeah sorry for any late update. Don't worry, I will update next dedication chapters ASAP.

Don't forget to give some loves and votes too ✌

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