❝ how they react to you falling on the slippery snowy road❞

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ARIES - Zhangjing; nag at you for being careless

TAURUS - Yanjun; "You know what's colder than my joke? Your butt"

GEMINI - Justin; try to help you stand up but end up pushing you fall back while laughing so loud

CANCER - Xiaogui; take your hand, make you stand properly and put his scarf around your neck

LEO - Chengcheng; laugh his ass off

VIRGO - Ziyi; "That's damn cold bro! Now stand up carefully"

LIBRA - Zhengting; cover up the whole incident because he knows his girl is embarrassed

SCORPIO - Nongnong; "Are you okay? How can you fall, sweetie? Did you tie your shoelace properly?"

SAGITTARIUS - Zhangjing; "Are you seeking for my attention?"

CAPRICORN - Yanjun; quickly save you from falling

AQUARIUS - Zhengting; let a small laugh while helps you get up

PISCES - Xukun; see you fall but just ignore it


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