❝ what Yanjun loves from you ❞

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ARIES - Your clumsiness

TAURUS - Your nag

GEMINI - Your photography style

CANCER - Your eye-smile

LEO - Your beautiful voice

VIRGO - Your cuteness when sulking

LIBRA - Your talent

SCORPIO - Your diligence

SAGITTARIUS - Your fashion sense

CAPRICORN - Your laugh

AQUARIUS - Your cute eating habit

PISCES - Your silly jokes


Ola! I'm back (but maybe for a while). I'm having my semester 1 final exam in college next 16 October so I would go inactive again. Just drop by because I miss writing this and ofc see yall too. Hope everyone is fine and take care! ♥

And, go listen to PD Zhang's Give Me A Chance and dont forget to stream the MV :)

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