01 ⌛The Nut in my Head⌛

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"Everyone has their own set of realities, mine is just a bit delusional. "

🌟Horaine Knight🌟


What is reality?

Horaine was bombarded with the same question over and over again for as long as she could remember. There was a point in time when she thought that reality was harsh. It was the time when it smacked her right across her face really hard. She was very young then and naive thinking that if she could show her mom what she could do then her mom would believe her...

She was wrong.

Horaine was enrolled right away to a new home-The Ives Mental Institution, the Asylum for the nuthead.

At young age, she learned what it felt to be devastated. At first, she was livid. She stayed inside her own world for quite some time until she got used to a fact that no one could help her. She knew that she had to help herself. And if people can't comprehend what her reality was then let it rest at that.

She didn't let anyone in.

From then on, Horaine began to accept the fact that she belonged to the institution. The Asylum was not that ideal to some-oh well, it was certainly not ideal to all-but it was to her. It became her home. What more could she ask? It had free food and lodging, most importantly, there was no one trying to judge her eccentricity. No one was looking at her like someone crazy lunatic-but of course again, because they already knew she was completely mental.

Inside the Asylum, Horaine found solitude in the midst of a crowd. It was bustling with activities daily, and if anyone would just look closely, life in there was entertaining. There was no dull moments. Everyday was full of surprises from the crazies. A bite here, a scream there, a creepy laughter once in awhile and so on and so forth. It was a full house but she always felt alone.

Or she thought she was...

Until she met them-The Deities.

Her delusional world turned upside down. Her own realities peeked at her through the looking glass.

Horaine was forced into a point of no return. She was completely satisfied to where she was and then the god of the underworld came to mess it all up.

And it all started when Hades freaking kidnapped her...

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