04 ⌛Dream Come True⌛

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"Not everyone can dream about me but you did... And I have a very bad feeling about it."



"My, my, my. What do we have here?" Aphrodite was grinning from ear to ear at the sight of a sulking Tempus.

Tempus didn't even bothered to look at her direction, "leave. I'm not in the mood to put up with you."

The goddess chuckled, "to whom do I owe this favor of finally getting in your nerves?"

"Nobody." Tempus grumpily replied. He kicked his chair and left without saying goodbye.

Aphrodite's hearty laughter filled the air as she followed him in amusement. "Hmnnnn. Interesting." She whispered with a curious glint in her eyes. It was one rare occurrence that nobody could ignore especially her.

"So, who is it?" She nagged for the umpteenth time.

"Stop!" Tempus' voice echoed. He abruptly turned around and face her. "Phrodie, if you know what's good for you. You better not say a word again." He warned her then continued with his aimless walk, ignoring the unfazed goddess but nevertheless never spoke one more word.

She followed Tempus in silence and never left his side stubbornly. Aphrodite would get her answers no matter what. They walked around the palace gardens for more than a couple of hours just to let Tempus pacify his anger. Although she was dying to know who made him angry, she knew better. With Tempus' current temper, it was like treading dangerous waters. She needs to be careful not to push the wrong button.

Tempus was known to be the calmest out of the 'Big Three' and for him to be acting up like this was not something anyone could just stick their nose into and ask questions. It was obvious that nobody would dare as she looked around the empty place which was always bustling in activity and filled with lazy gods and goddesses.

She was about to open her mouth to ask again when she spotted Ares nearby. A wicked smile painted her red lips as she diverted her attention and made a bee line towards him leaving Tempus on his own. Ares must know something since he was after all Tempus' best friend.

Ares eyes widened after seeing the goddess approaching him. He pivoted quickly to make an escape when he heard her call out, "Ares darling. If you run away now, I swear in the name of Zeus that I will never speak to you again." He stopped at once.

"Please, I don't know anything." He blurted out.

Aphrodite crossed her arms on her chest and smirked, "I didn't ask anything yet. Defensive much?"

Ares ran a hand on his hair and sighed before answering, "Whatever it is. I don't know it. Phrodie, please, don't put me in a difficult situation." He almost begged while his eyes were flitting back and forth between the goddess and behind her as if someone would jump out of nowhere and kill him.

"Ares..." She teased.

"No," he muttered under his breath.

"Ares..." She teased again in a singsang voice.

"No." He sat down on a stone bench nearby and buried his face on his hands.

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