03 ⌛Delusions of my Mind⌛

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"People take this scary world as a reality, but for me, the delusions of my mind are my awesome truth."

🌟Horaine Knight🌟


"If something happens to me, please, tell my mom how much I love her—" Horaine's exaggerated drama filled the entire emergency room.

"You don't have a mother." Another female voice interrupted her monologue.

"—Oh?" Horaine paused feigning ignorance, covering her mouth with her hand. "Um, yeah. There's that." She batted her eyelashes innocently. "Tell my dog then!" She shouted at her friend. Rolling her eyes in exaggeration, she continued, "Let that damn dog know that—That, I don't mean to leave him alone to fend for himself!" She whined like a brat which gained suppressed laughters from the onlookers.

"Horaine, you don't have a dog either." Blanca rolled her eyes at her friend which earned a few more rounds of snickering from the people around them.

"That's beside the point. You're such a killjoy. Just inform yourself then!" Horaine wailed in a very childish tantrum.

"And you're over-reacting! Gosh, you're only going for a check up!" Blanca pointed out to her slowly losing her temper.

"Only a check up?" Horaine's nose flared in incredulity. "That—That stupid rat could have some deadly virus or something!"

"Nobody told you to get drunk by yourself and pass out at an alley and do some lip lock with a RAT!" Blanca yelled at her. She couldn't believe all the things that her clutz best friend could do if left alone by herself.

"You're so insensitive and unsupportive," Horaine answered doing her best to act pitiful. She touched the cut on her lip, "I never wanted this, I was out because I'm frustrated and you were God knows where enjoying with your obnoxious boyfriend."

Blanca was not just her best friend but her only family. She couldn't accept the fact that she was being dumped over some guy. Again.

"You're always exaggerating things and that's really unfair. I'm not getting married for christ's sake. We're just gonna move-in together to the apartment next to you, how hard could that be? The last time I left home, you managed to run around the city wearing your pj's! My god Raine, when will you grow up?"

"I told you, Hades freaking sent his hound to chase after me." Horaine pouted.

"Yeah right. And Zeus is my freaking father." Blanca mocked. She gave Horaine a warning look the same way a mother reprimands her child to behave then added, "Stay here, I will be back to check on your number." Blanca sighed in exasperation then left her unceremoniously.

"I think her friend should bring her to a shrink instead."

Horaine heard two women whispering, in a not so subtle way, a few seats away from her. They were giggling and obviously having fun on her expense.

"Hey! I can hear you. Shut your trap up or I will do it for you, bitches." She yelled at them.

Horaine was pissed. She was about to rumble and break hell loose when an ambulance siren caught her attention. She ran towards the emergency entrance to check only to be stopped by a voice that called out from behind her.

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