Chapter 4 - "Don't touch her."

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Hi. Once again I'm just blessing you with a lil' pic of our beloved Hakan before this chapter begins. Enjoy

All right, Friday

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All right, Friday. I'll get through it. I think. Taking a deep breath I get out of bed and waddle to the fortunately empty bathroom. I turn on the shower and as it heats up I take off the clothes I've been sleeping in. My face looks tired and a bit pale in the mirror. It'll go away when I've had a shower. 

I stick a hand under the running water feeling the finally warm water running so softly on my hand and soon enough on my whole body. I close my eyes shut and just stand there as some dead person just enjoying the feeling of the water surrounding me and warming me up. 

At school the same day

I walk down the hallway with Dina who has recovered from her flu and is finally back with me. She's going on and on about some gossip she has heard about some senior girl, but to be honest I kinda stopped listening. It just doesn't seem to have any interest for me. 

Suddenly I notice Hakan coming down the hallway. Well it's difficult not to notice as everyone jumps out his way while girls glance at him as if he's the last handsome guy left on earth. I can't help but look at him too.

 Suddenly he looks up from the floor, a strand of hair in his eye which he quickly flicks away but then, our eyes meet and they don't leave each other for a moment sending shivers through me. For the first time he looks me in my eyes without sending me a smirk or a hateful glare, in fact it's like there's no emotion in his expression at all. 

Now this all actually happens while we're both walking towards each other but it still feels as if it all happens in slow motion. We get to a point where we'd have to turn our heads to look at each other which Hakan can't be bothered to do but I still look at him. That's when I first notice the red scar at his right temple. Questions fly through my head as I see it. How did that happen? How long has it been there? Why haven't I ever noticed before? And just like that, he's gone behind me in the crowd of the hallway and I'm thrown back to reality. 

-Hello, May, will you please stop crushing on my crush? Dina jokes with a serious undertone.

-Sure. I sigh with a tired expression. Well that was a weird experience. 

Later in French lesson

I feel like actually going to sleep as Ms. Doux is just going on and on about rules of the french language and how we right now are like babies before they start talking, except we speak English etc. 

I feel a burning feeling on my skin as Hakan gently touches my shoulder with his thumb. I look over at him and he stares me dead in the eye. The boy isn't afraid of eye contact, that I can tell you. 

-Do you have a pencil? He whispers and leaves me lost as his eyes move away from mine and over to my pencil case. 

-Sure. I sigh quietly. Yea I'm a girl of few words today. I dig into the pencil case and find a black pencil that I pass him. 

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