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"The two friends, Jeremy and Michael prowl through the frozen wasteland they call home. They stand somewhat close, when AlL tHe SuDdEn..........A ZOMBIE LURCHES OUT FROM THE WHITE ABYSS!! HOLY SHIT, IT LOOKS JUST LIKE....uh.....just like.....CHRISTINE!!!

The ever gallant Michael steps forward to save the day!! OH NO, BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH. HE FALLS TO THE GROUND *gross chomping noises from Michael* HE'S DOWN!! HE'S DOOO-"

Jeremy rolls his eyes at Michael, watching him roll around on the snow. "Oh my god, you dork."

Michael giggles as the snow falls on the white fluff on the hood of his red winter coat. Jeremy began walking again, when all the sudden, something heavy hits Jer in the back of the head. It explodes over his hood, snow spilling EVERYWHERE. Jeremy turns slowly to his best friend, with an 'oh shit you're on' look in his eyes. Michael chuckles. The freckled boy bends down, starting to ball snow for the oncoming war. Yet, in this moment, Michael lurches forward, barreling into Jeremy's legs. They both go down in a flurry mess. Michael rolls off Jeremy, laughing.

"Totally not fair." Jeremy grumbles, not getting up.

"Ehhh, totally fair." Michael says, looking at his best friend as they lay side by side. 

The two boys slowly start to get closer, leaning in. In one glorious moment, their lips connect. Michael lifts his hand to set it on Jeremy's face. Jeremy smiles a little in the kiss, but internally, he is freaking the fuck out. His best friend(and crush) since god only knows how long, just kissed him. As snow landed all around them, and on them, their lips stayed locked for what seemed like an eternity, until Jeremy pulled away and sneezed and adorable kitten sneeze.

"Oh no Jer-bear, are you getting sick?" Michael asked, concern lacing his voice. 

"No......" Jeremy said, just desperate to stay there, in that moment with Michael. 

"Yes, yes you are. Now, you're house is closer, so lets go there."

"Fine..." Jeremy said, very reluctantly.

Michael got up, and lifted Jeremy up, intertwining their gloved fingers after Michael gave Jeremy his warm winter coat. Together they  walked to Jeremy's house, and straight into the basement. Jeremy sneezed the whole way, but Michael really didn't mind, he just didn't want Jeremy to get sick. 

Once in the basement, Michael got Jeremy out of his wet clothes and made him change into dry ones. Then, he wrapped Jer in a big fluffy warm blanket, and laid his trademark red jacket over his shoulders. 

"God Jeremy, you are too cute." Michael chuckled, Jeremy's response was an adorable kitten sneeze. 

Michael leaned down and kissed Jeremy's cold forehead. "I'll be right back, Jer-Bear"

Jeremy nodded as Michael walked upstairs, and came back 4 minutes later with a bowl of warm chicken noodle soup. 

"Tha-*sneeze* Thank you Michael..." Jeremy said a little weakly, shivering.

Michael smiled. "Of course. You still cold?" 

Jeremy nodded. Michael sat down and wrapped his arms around Jeremy. The sneezing boy cuddled into the other one. Jeremy yawned, making Michael yawn too.

"God damnit Jeremy, you KNOW yawns are contagious!!"

Boyf riends one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora