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Jeremy and Michael had all but one class together. The last class of the day, it just so happened to be. Jeremy was taking a writing class and Michael had a video and directors class. Anyways, after school, they would always meet up by a bridge they had to cross to go home. Jeremy waited there, tapping his foot lightly as he looked at his watch. Michael was 8 minutes late. That never happens. Just as Jeremy began to turn away, he saw a figure in red walking to him with a slight limp. The red hoodie totally gave away to Jeremy that it was his nerdy best friend. Farther away, Michael saw Jeremy and cursed out loud. He was really hoping that he wouldn't have to face Jeremy. Once Michael neared Jeremy, Jeremy noticed Michael's eye was slightly swollen and beginning to swell. Michael's cheekbone was becoming red and swelling also. As Jeremy's eyes filled with pity he fear he stepped forward.

"Oh god... Michael... what the hell happened to you??"

Michael just chuckled lightly, the laugh laced with pain. "I'll explain later. They might still be near."

Jeremy nodded a little but was really confused and concern. They walked with nothing but each others presence until they reached Jeremy's home. Once in the basement, the two boys were seated in their beanbag chairs, their backpacks piled against a wall, now forgotten.

" there are these guys at school," Michael began, "A group of homophobes. You know about my... preferences... and so do they. They... they jumped my after school, and you can see the result. Its been going on for months..." Michael said motioning to his face and lifting up his jacket to reveal big black and purple bruises. Jeremy's face was contorted into an expression of sympathy as Michael put his jacket back down. The taller boy reached forward, putting one hand onto Michael's face and stroked Michael's cheekbone.

"No one deserves that," Jeremy said. "Also, why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I... I didn't want you to worry..." Michael laughed nervously.

"Well, now know that I am worrying. I can't not. Honestly... I love you, Michael. Not just as a friend."
Michael looked up with wide eyes. A reddish tinge struck his cheeks.

"R-really?" Michael asked as Jeremy just nodded. Michael blushed harder as he leaned slightly into Jeremy's palm. looking at the floor. Jeremy pulled Michael closer into a hug.

"So... go out with me and be my... b-boyfriend?" Jeremy asked blushing furiously.

"Yes, yes, a lot of yes." Michael responded with joy lacing his voice as he hugged Jeremy tight.

A smile broke across Jeremy's face as he pulled back out of the hug. He kissed Michael on the non bruised cheekbone.

"We'll take them together now Michael. You don't have to be alone anymore."

A/N- Hope you enjoyed!!! BTW I wrote this while in a cast lol. Here's my arm rn.

Love you guys!!

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