Patchwork Part 2

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Jeremy P.O.V

How could I have not seen this...

I gazed at the scars lining Michael's arm. He still slept soundly with an expression of peace on his face. With tears streaming down my face and onto the floor, I lightly slid my finger over one of the fresh cuts. Michael moved slightly and made a small whining noise. Suddenly, my mind filled with images of Michael cutting. I couldn't take it. Hot tears streamed down my face as I curled up into a ball while sobbing.

Michael P.O.V

A sobbing sound pierced through my sleep. I opened my eyes to see Jeremy curled up in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably. I sat up abruptly and as I was about to ask what was wrong, I saw the scars in the corner of my vision. My sleeve was pulled down. Jeremy....he saw the cuts.

I reached forward to console Jeremy, but I didn't know what to say. I touched his shoulder gently and got a small "Why..." in response.

"I..." I began, but Jeremy interrupted.

"I said, why." He began, sitting up. "Why, why would you do that to ME..." Jeremy's voice raised a little with each word, anger beginning to lace itself into his speech. Tears gushed out of his puffy red eyes and cascaded down his face. "How...When I was right by your side EVERY DAY. WHY WHY WHY YOU FUCKING SELFISH GODDAMN FUCKING ASSHOLE." He sobbed and collapsed into my arms. Everything seemed to get more and more confusing every second. I just held Jeremy as he cried into my shoulder.

"I...I'm so sorry Jer-bear... I just...I didn't want to make you upset..s-so I kept it a secret..." I said.

Jeremy, still sobbing, just wrapped his arms around me and buried his head deep into my shoulder. I used one arm to hug him back, and the other to run through his hair, trying desperately to console him.

After a minute of silence(Other than crying), he spoke. " more..."

"I'll try..." I responded, "I'll try........."

*And now a time skip brought to you by the gayness that is me*

Still Michaels P.O.V

I looked out the little window into Jeremy's basement. The cold black light of night spilt in through the window. It had been the longest time I had gone without cutting since I began. I let out a rather large sigh. Jeremy looked over at me. He was still visibly upset. We sat on opposite ends of the couch.

"Michael..... I just want to know one reason why..." Jeremy spoke, breaking the tension-ridden silence.

"I....." I began, trying to decide which reason to give him. I had so many.

"I just... I was jealous of you and Christine... I always wanted to be as close to you as I could be...And I guess it just hurts seeing you two together..."

Jeremy seemed shocked.

"I... Remember way back when, the time I came out to you? Well, I wasn't just gay. I was gay for you."

Jeremy's eyes seemed just to grow in size every word I spoke. "I... I had no idea..." He said, "You were jealous of her and me?"

I nodded.

"Michael... I only wanted to be with her because I thought I could never be with you! Now, don't get me wrong, she's amazing, easily one of my closest friends. After you of course." He continued.

I just stared. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No way in hell. Jeremy seemed to sense my disbelief and started to scoot closer to me. Suddenly, before I even realised it, our lips connected. My eyes widened and then closed, leaning into the kiss. Time stopped moving. The only thing that mattered at that moment was he and I. Everything else faded. For what seemed like an eternity, we held each other, savouring the moment that had taken forever to arrive. And that's when I realized I couldn't breathe. Air hadn't been a priority. Begrudgingly breaking away, I spoke three words. Three words I had held back for years. Three words that haunted my smiles and stayed cornered behind my eyes.

"I love you."

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