The Shadow Forest

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  you stood outside of the door of your mothers house and stared at the forest right beside it. it looked pitch black and it felt like all light died when it entered the forest. you barely had time to process what happened when you were inside the house but now you remembered what happened before you woke up here. you had flashbacks of you jumping off of the school roof and you had a strange feeling of emptyness wash over you. you looked at the sunny sky and wondered where you were. you wondered if you were dead or if you were in a coma. maby you were in hell. you always loved and wanted to be in a fairy tale but, you had a feeling that everything around you was just off. evrything seemed wroung but you had no where else to go and the woman who claimed to be your mother had warned you about some prince, she seemed like she wanted to protect you but, she also just gave you a poison pie and told you to feed it to your grandmother. you looked back at the forest and remembered that lady said that you and your grandmother were very close. maby you could get some answers. after that thought you walked in.

  after you steped into the forests aura of death you felt like ice. you held the basket close because it seemed to be the only thing that was warm right now. you had the red hood but it was very thin and only seemed to be there becuse no one could see your face when you wore it. you looked down and saw a path made of blue glowing stones. it felt so cold that it was hard to move but, you pressed on. it seemed to get colder and darker the farther you went into the forest so you just started to look down onto the glowing stones as you walked. it was so silent that all you could her was your breaths and the stones as you steped on them. you put your hand up to your neck which was something you always did when you were scared or confused and felt that you still had your locket on. you smiled as you remembered some of the only people who were ever nice to you. then you heard a stick break and you smiled drped. you tryed looking around but it was so dark that all you could see was the faint glow of the stones.

  you heard a dark demonic laugh and you froze. you wondered if you should keep walking or run. besides this person seemed to have no problem with the dark. you closed your eyes and just hoped he would go away but suddely you felt soft fur that seemed to be covered in ice brush up against you. you where frozen with fear and thought you were going to get eaten but then what felt like a cold wet dogs nose was shoved in your ear. a demonic voice wispered in your ear "Hello princess, do you know what the prince has offered me to bring his princess back." you then hear the crunch of stones as he walked around you. you were parilized and had no idea what to so so you just stood there. the voive then said "princess, do you really think im going to give you to him." he then chuckled darkly and waited for you to repond. you took a deep breath and opened your eyes. you saw a grey wolf covered in ice that was the size of a bear with red glowing eyes stareing at you. you gasped at this sight and stumbled back. you ended up falling on the cold hard stones but you held onto the basket.

  he then let out a demonic laugh but his mouth did not move. you were very scared and confused and did not know what to say. he then turned to you and said "Let me guess, princess, your mother sent you to kill your grandmother." you shakeily nodded which made him howl with laughter. he then said "She tryed to give you to the prince did'nt she?" you the convinced yourself that this demon wolf was not going to eat you and said "Thats what my mom told me." he looked surprised when you talked and then you stood up. the wolf then said "I know you are a brave killer, princess, but you always ignore me whenever we meet in this forest. what changed?" he then walked closer to you trying to scare you again. you suddenlly felt a wave of breavery and stood you ground and said "You dont scare me" he was not conviced and said "Then whay to you sound so scared." you did not answer and looked down. even though you told the wolf he did not scare you he really did. you looked at the stones and hoped that he would go away.

   the wolf laughed again and said "Well, even if your scared or not i always injoy our games so how bout we make another bet." you looked up at him and his eyes shined a even deeper shade of red. the wolf then said "once your give your grandmother that pie and she dies i will take her to my special hell but, if you take my shortcut." the a whole other path lit up and indtead of blue it was red "she will have a peaceful death and go to heaven." he then went back into the shadows leaveing you in front of the two paths. you looked at them for a couple seconds then thought about how the wolf said the word hell. you looked at the red stones then down at the basket and started walking. when you steped on the red stones a feeling you could not discribe washed over you then went away.

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