The Red Path

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   when you steped on the red stones a feeling you could not discribe washed over you. but just as soon as it arived, it was gone. you were haveing second thoughts so you turned around but, when you did you saw that the blue stones had disapeared. a feeling of dread washed over you and you knew that you no longer had a choice. you faced the winding path of glowing red stones and started to walk. as you walked you thought about what the wolf had said. the wolf had called this path His Shortcut and you were starting to get the feeling that he was lieing. when you were walking on the blue stone path it prretty much was stright but this red one had twists and turns. you had a feeling that some one was watching you the whole time and just wanted to keep walking forward. you were afraid to turn back. it suddenlly got really hot. it was so hot that the air still felt cold. it was a white burning freeze which made yo stop in your tracks. you started heaveing, you felt like you could not breath. you colapsed and fell on the burning red stones. you looked up and saw two glowing red eyes stareing right into yours.

   you yelled "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO ME!" tears started gushing out of your eyes. you then heard the wolfs demonic laugh and suddenlly it all stoped. the red stones disapeared and everything was pitch black again. you heard the wolf say "Im winning princess, you better act fast." then a small house that seemed to be made of pure red light apreared. it had a sign that said "The Gypsy Tea Kettle" and you had no where else to go so you walked in. when you entered the house it seemed to be a tea shop. it had tables and all sorts of flowers and decorations everywhere. you we unsure of what to do at first but then an old man white glossy eyes apreared out of thin air. you and him stared at each other for a moment then he opened a door that said kitchen. before he steped inside he turned to you and in a raspy voice said "Please, sit. i will be out with you tea in a moment." he then entered the kitchen and you could hear him makeing something. you picked out a table that a light red plaid table sheet and sat down. you set the basket next to your chair and waited.

   you could smell the old man makeing something scrumtious and you herd you stomach growl. you wish that the pie you had was not pisoned so you could eat some. you had no idea what kind of pie it was but, it had vinilla and nuts in it which made you want to eat it even more. after some waiting the old man came out with a plate filled with tea cakes and sandwhiches. he also had a tea cup and a tea kettle. he set the plate down on the table and said "before we talk you need to eat. you look like you have not eaten in days." you did not know if that was true but it did feel like you have not eaten in days. you picked up a tea cake that had a red rose made of frosting on it and took a bite. it tasted like vinilla and strawberrys and you eneded up eating all of them. when you took a bit of your first sandwich you almost threw up. it tsted so bitter that you spit it out. you set the sandwhich back on the plate and said "What the hell was in that." the old man then finally spoke and said "often what we want is bad for us and what we actually need to survive can be crule." he then started to pour you some tea. the tea was a light shade of pink and gave off a sweet smell.

  the old mand then said "This will help you understand." and handed you the teacup. you lifted up it and took a sip. it tatsed very sweet and had a hint of watermellon and lemon to it. he just watched you as you drank but then sudenlly said "Stop!" you stoped drinking and looked up at him. you had not finsished you tea so you were confused when he took it from your hands. he then stared into the cup and even moved it in diffrent angles. you asked him "What are you doing?" he then looked back at you. his eyes seemed to faintly glow red and he said in a voice that did not seem to be his own "You come from a land that is not our own. you wanted to escape it so you jumped into this one. you have a role in this world that you do not yet understand. everyone you have met seems to know you while you dont know anything about yourself." he then closed his eyes and finaly said "Take this flower, it will help you with the wolf" he then handed you a stock of lavender. when you took it in your hands everything went back to pitch black. the red stones aprered again and you picked up your basket and put the flower in it. 

   you walked on a little bit until you came across a giant hollowed out tree that seemed to be a house. light was covering it and the door seemed to be open. you walked up to the door and opened it. you heard a gasp and the red stones dissaperared. you did not want to look back so you just opened the door and steped in.

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