The Tower

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   you stared at the tower and the long bloody rope made of hair. the tower looked to be at least 70 feet and the hair reached all the way to the ground. you put the basket on your right arm and grasped the hair with both hands. you looked up and tooked a deep breath. you knew that if you fell you would die but you could not see any other way to get hoisted yourself up and stuck your legs in some of the cracks between the stones. the dryed blood made it easyer to hold on to but you still had to climb 70 feet. it was kit of like climbing a rock wall except there was a higher chance of death the closer you got to the top. you were about halfway to the top when you lost your footing. you almost fell but you held on to the rope. you scrambled to get you get into a secure position and once you did you had to stop moveing to get your heart beating at a normal pace again. after you were able to calm down you kept climbing. you went slower this time because you did not want to lose your footing again. 

   once you got to the top you sw that the hair was tied to a hook atached to the outside of thw window. you pulled youself inside and colapsed once you were on the floor. you took a couple of deep breaths and put the basket on the floor. you looked around and saw a woman, who had the hair you just climbed, chained to the middle of the floor covered in blood. you rushed over to her and tryed to shake her awake. you thought she was dead for a moment but then she groaned and tryed to sit up. you gasped and helped her sit up. she kept her eyes closed and started to shake. yo said "Calm down, im not going to hurt you." she then froze. she slowly opened her eyes and looked completly shocked when she saw you. you then noticed she had been gaged and yo imedietly untied it. she then said in a hoarse voise "How did you get here?" you then replyed "I climbed your hair" she then started to cry. she pleaded "Please help me, she might come back and if she comes back she will kill you!"

    you tryed to calm her down but she just kept asking you to untie her. you then said "I cant untie you if you dont tell me where the key is!" she then nodded and said "In that drawer over there. she nodded her head over to a dresser on the wall. you got up and looked in all the drawers in the dresser. you managed you find a book with a gold key atached. you tryed to rip the key from the string but you could not. you brought the book and key to the woman and she said "Unlock the chain please." you put the key to the lock holding the chain and it fit right in. once it was unlocked the chain fell to the ground. she smiled and embraced you in a giant hug. she then looked down at the book in yor hand and jumped back. she pointed at the book and said "Evil." you looked down and the book and saw that it had a gold picture of the tower you had climbed on it. you looked at the woman then back at the book. you said "What is this book about." she then said "It is her diary." you looked down at the book again. you opened the book to the first page and read the first paragraf

   The king has wrounged me for the last time. his wife became pregnate and she asked for magic greens. first the kig banished me to this damm forest now, he steals from me. he sent some of his solders to steal from my garden and and stole some of my magic beans. my mother cursed me and all my beauty was taken from me. i am now an ugly old hag and it is all his fault. when his wife gave birth i apeared in his castle late at night and stole thier first born child. she cryed when i picked her up and the king almost caught me. i too thier crying brat back to my tower in the forest. she never stoped crying so i placed a curse on her. it will feel like her throught is being stabed with a thousand needles whenever she talks. the girl needs a name though, i will name her after my favorite herb since the reason she is here is because of them. i will name the brat, repunzle.

   your eyes widened when you read that name. you looked up at her and said "Are you repunzle?" she nodded. you looked back at the book and got up. you walked over to the basket and put the book inside it. you had a strange feeing like you should take it.she then said "Flower." you truned to her and said "You mean this lavender. you pulled out the lavender and she nodded her head very quickly. you then walked back over to repunzle and gave it to her. she took it in both of her hands and closed her eyes. the flower then started to glow and turned into a purple light. the purple light then went right into your throught and everything seemed brighter. you looked up at her and she just smiled.  you wanted to ask her more about what she just did but, instead you asked "Is there any other way to get out of here then your hair?"

   she nodded and shakeily got up she walked over to a tile on the floor and pushed it away revealing a dark stairway. you sighed with relife when you saw that there were stairs. you aprouched the stairs but repunzle grabed your arm. she said "my hair." you were confused at first but then asked "Do you need to cut it?" she nodded and you pulled out the knife from your basket. she looked scared for a moment when she saw the wolf head engraved in the knife. you walked over the her hair and grabed it where it reached the middle of her back. you cut it in one swipe and she closed her eyes as you did so. she looked at her hair and smiled. you then put the knife back in the basket. she took your hand and started to walk down the stairs. it got darker with ach step and soon it was pitch black again. you could not see but it felt like you were walking on flat ground again. you no longer felt someone holding your hand. you looked around and suddenly someone grabed you legs and you fell down. before you could react a cloth was placed over your mouth and you fell asleep.

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