Not So Prince Charming

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   The prince said " i finally found you, my love " then violently kissed your lips and you had no way of stoping him. your arms were held by the frozen knights. the price pulled away and said "Do you know how much pain and lonelyness you caused me?" you had no idea what to say. the prince suddnly got an angry look on his face and he backhand slaped you. your legs felt weak and you almost colapsed. he suddenly yelled "TALK NOW, or you will regret it." you had to find your voice. you finally said "I dont even know what happened." the prince got a blank look on his face then suddenly insanely laughed. the prince said "You dont know what happened. you really dont remeber ripping my heart out of my chest by abandoning me." he then gave you an insane smile. he picked up the basket you droped when the knights grabed you. he opened it and suddenly gave you an evil glare. he then said "Have you been talking to the which?"

  you did not respond at irst then he grabed you chind and made you look in his eyes. he said "dont make me hit you again." you then said "She gave me something to help me get away from the dwarfs." he then let you go. he snapped his fingers and 2 more nights walked up to him. he handed one of them your basket and told the other one to tie you up. you struggled and tryed to get away but the knight manged to restrain you. they threw you in a carrage that was more like a jail cell and before you started moveing. you looked out of the tiny window and started to cry. you had no idea what was going to happen to you and you had a feeling that it was not going to be good. you traveled into what looked like kingdom walls and eventually a castle. you stoped in front of the castle doors and the door opened. the prince stood there giveing you an evil smile befor grabing your arm and dragging you somewhere.

   you ended you in his room. he threw you on his bed and climbed on top of you. you were terified and he darkly chuckled. he said "Did you really think i was not going to find you." you started to cry. he started to coress you check. you looked at him with teary eyes and the prince said "Your mine (Y/N), you promised your heart to me and when you ran way" he then scoweled "I wanted to punish you until you understood that you belong to me." you looked away from him. he got off of you and walked to his window. you sat up and stared at him. he suddenly said "You were the only thing keeping me sane. yes you were a killer but, You were my heart. when you ran away from me i lost all the love i had in my heart. all i feel is the need for you to feel all the pain you caused me." he turned back to you and you saw that he had tears in his eyes. he said "You have a way to get out of your punishment though, all you have to do is is sing for me." you then said "I dont know what you want from me. i dont remember anything that you do. i am not from this relm. i killed my self and woke up in this land." tears started to fall from your eyes.

  the prince stared at you for a moment. he suddenly burst into insane laughter. he walked up to you and grabed your chin. he made you look at him. he said "You think you can trick me with that made up story." you then said "Its not made up. im telling the truth." he let go and then slaped you so hard you fell over. you looked up at him and saw hm stareing at you with dark emotionless eyes. he said "I guess you want that punishment then." your eyes widened and said "What are you going to do." he then had a completly emotionless face. he said "Im going to tear your heart out of your chest like you tore out mine." you froze, you had no idea what to do. he then coressed you check andd said "You have one more chance, please sing. i would love to hear your beutiful voice again. you did not want to die again so you said "What do you want me to sing?" he then darkly chuckled and gave you an evil smile. he said "I want you to sing me a song about love. i want to be able to feel it again." you suddenly had an idea.

 if your voice really had magical powers, you could sing him a song that made him fall asleep. you said "Ok, can i have some time to think about it?" he replyed with a simple "No." and you took a breath. you had no idea what you should sing to make him fall asleep but, you just improvised. you closed your eyes and just stared singing. you had no idea what happened but when you opened your eyes he was asleep. you got up and looked around the room for something to cut the ropes holding your rists together. you found the princes sword and started to cut the ropes. once your arms were freed you went out the door. you ran through the castle looking for the exit when you saw him. he looked like he wanted to kill the entire kingdom. he chrged at you and you thought this was the end when you vistion started to blur. everything when black and you fell. 

  you started to hear a steady beep. you opened your eyes to see you were in a hospital. you had a cast on your right leg and left arm. you looked around and wondered what just happened. a nurse suddely came in the room and gasped when she saw that you were awake. she ran out and suddely doctors ran in. they called your parents and they cryed with happyness. you were mostly confused but you knew you were in a coma. when you were ale to go home you were happy to see your bed again. you noticed something strage though. there was a shiney red apple on a book with a key atached. the apple had a kife with a wolf engraveing on it and you heart started to beat faster. your family said they had never seen any of those things before and you started to wonder if it was really a dream.

( yeah i know its not the best ending but i got lazy.)

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