Chapter 1

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Hi,my name is Nadia,I love to hang out with friends and my family and I like eating alot lol. But lately I was having a crush on my guy friend name Brady. He is really good looking and he has a very nice personality and he has nice blue eyes that look like the ocean but if I ever told him how I feel I know it will ruined our friendship for ever and nothing will ever be the same again until one day I was going for a walk and this is what happen.

"Hey Nadia do u mind I could talk to u for a min" he said in a nervous way

"Oh what is it" I said in a curious way

"Do u want me to bring u out to eat tonight" he says

"Sure why not and where do u want to" I said

"I will think about cause I was thinking of bringing u to a place not to fancy" he says

"Ok what time will u pick me up at"? I said wondering

"Is 6:00 fine with u" he said

"Yes of course it's perfect" I said in a happy tone

"So see u at 6:00 bye beautiful" he said in a flirty voice

"Bye" I said

While i was walking home something came in my mind saying. Why did he say beautiful to me? I know we're really good friends but this is the first time he ever call me beautiful? Does he like me? There are sooooo many questions to ask but who should I ask for advice to. I was in my bed thinking sooo much. So when I was resting in my room one of my best friends called me her name was Molly she was like a sister to me we have been best friends since 2 grade and now we are in 9 grade.

"Hello" I said

"Hey Nadia how are u" she said in a happy tone like she was happy to talk to me

"I'm good u" I said

"Pretty good" she said

"Hey Molly can I ask u something cause Brady ask me if I will go to a restaurant woth him tonight and he called me beautiful what does this mean he never calles me beautiful."

"Wait...Brady ask u out for dinner tonight" she said in a surprise voice

"Yeah and he called me beautiful he never called me that until before what does this mean" I said worrying

"Well I guess probably he likes u and he wants to push it to the next level" I sad to her

"Ohh thanks for the advice ur such a great best friend" I said in a happy way

"Thanks u too" I said smiling. Anyways gotta go and good luck for tonight"

"Thanks and bye" I said before closing my phone.

Sorry for their long conversation and plz read and comment and vote and maybe follow too!!!! And please I need your guys help if u can find me the right cover book for this story and if u found anything plz kik me until I know who u are lol. Thank u❤

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