Chapter 13

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"I made my decision and I picked mark"I sad with a sigh of relief

"OMG u serious u choose mark"she said in shock

"Yes"I said

So our conversation ended and the reason who chose mark is because we didn't have a long relationship and me and Brady were best friends for a long time and I wanted it to stay that way but now how am I gonna tell me? Is he gonna me mad at? I had soo many questions and I will tell them the news now. So first I texted mark cause u know I chose him.

"Hey mark r u there"

"Yeah I am did u make your decision?

"Yes I did and I just wanted to tell u I choose u.

"Oh yeah I am soooo happy we are gonna have the best relationship ever".

"Yeah now I need to break up with Brady so I will talk to u later".

"Ok bye and good luck"

So now I need to text brandy to tell him that we need to break up with him but I hope it doesn't break our friendship.

"Hey Brady I gotta tell u something"

"Oh hey and what"

"I made my decision and I think we should break up because I chose mark and we are best friends and I want it to stay that way and I love u soooo much with all my heart but sadly I picked mark I am very very very sorry.

"Ohh....good for u and yes I would like to your best friend and I don't know why I would go out with u even were really close friends like sister and brother so ya we should leave it that way.

"So your not mad at me"

"No I am not i think we should date different people like u dating mark at the moment"

"Thanks and I love u so I need to go"

"Bye love u too"

So thank god he wasn't mad at me or else I would be screwed. So it was time for me to pack my stuff and go home and do my English and math homework.

Sorry if is short!!! I tired my best!!!! Plz vote,comment and even follow

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