A New Entry

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"Everybody, please welcome the two young stars of the new hit movie, Blackwater Cave, Sara Ackles and James Delario!"

Everyone clapped as James and I walked out on the stage of the one and only Ellen DeGeneres.

The Ellen Show.

I was shocked. It was insane.

James and I sat down on the chairs offered by Ellen and smiled. The crowd died down and Ellen looked at us. "You guys are young. How old are you again?" She asked with a slight laugh.

Some of the people in the audience chuckled as I looked down with a blush.

"We're, uh, we're both fifteen." I smiled.

The audience cheered and clapped as Ellen's face seemed shocked. "Fifteen? That's so young!"

James and I looked at each other and smiled. We knew it was. "Yeah." James laughed.

"So, you two are the stars of this new movie, Blackwater Cave. It's really gone viral since it's release. It's also highly recommended by people who attended the premier. How does that feel?"

I looked at James, saying that he could answer first.

"It's really cool. I'm so happy people like what we enjoy doing." He said.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's so cool to see that something we worked really hard on is so adored by others." I told her.

"That's nice. And, James, you've told fans on Twitter that this is your first ever filming experience?" Ellen asked him.

He laughed and nodded. "Yeah, this is my first...anything like this. I used to just be a normal boy from South Carolina playing soccer."

"What made you audition for this role?"

James looked at me and smiled. "Well, Sara took me to the set of Supernatural and it looked like fun. So, she told me I could go online and sign up to audition for the first thing I saw. That's what I did." He answered honestly.

"So, Sara made you?" Ellen joked. Everyone, including us, laughed.

"Yeah." James laughed sarcastically.

"So, Sara, how did you get sucked into the movie?" Ellen asked.

"I went to support him while he auditioned because he was nervous. While I was there, Devon, who plays Trevor, was really excited to see me. He was a fan of Supernatural. He told me I should audition. The only time I was free was to audition for Megan. The part eventually went to Olivia, which I didn't mind because she was amazing. But the producer and director called me and said they wanted me to audition for Izzy and here we are." I laughed.

"So, you two play a couple in the movie. Was that what brought you two together?"

James and I looked at each other before shaking our heads at the same time.

"We were together before." James said.

"So, you both got lucky." Ellen smiled.

We laughed and nodded.

"I suppose so." I nodded.

"And, your friend, Melissa, posted on her Twitter that the scene where you two kiss was both of your first kisses. Is that true?"

Both of us blushed and the audience cooed.

"I think we'll take that as a yes." Ellen laughed, causing everyone else to laugh. "Okay, some of the audience members have questions for you guys. Let's go ahead and do that."

A Living Lie:: Sequel to Jensens DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now