"Bonding" Before THE Scene

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"Sara please!"

"It's stupid!"


Chandler was over at Jefferys because Robert suggested we 'bond' before the 'big scene' the next day. We were currently arguing over what to do. I just wanted to sit and watch movies but he wanted to play stupid party games.

"No." I repeated for the millionth time. "No,no,no. Party games lead to stupidity."

"And we're not stupid."

"I'm not. But u can't say the same for you." I spoke.

Chandler gasped, pretending to be offended as he clutched his chest. "Ouch, Sara, I'm hurt. You really don't think I'm smart?"

"You're more average for seventeen."

"I'm eighteen."

"Okay then, below average." I corrected myself.

He shook his head and laughed.

James was terrified about the scene and I didn't blame him. I was too. But Mel was right. It was my job to do such things. I was Sara Ackles. It wouldn't be that weird, right?

Besides, James and I had a great weekend. After that on Friday, we just fell asleep and woke up Saturday to sight see. I hadn't had a chance to do that since being there. But the entire time, we acted as if nothing had happened between us and I think that's a good sign.

"Okay, okay. How about instead of watching movies, which you want to do and I dont, or playing party games, which I want to do and you don't, let's just talk?" Chandler said, trying to reach a compromise with our argument.

I stared at him for a minute. "What are we supposed to talk about?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

He shrugged and chuckled. "Anything I guess. Just say the first thing that comes to your mind."

"Alright. James." I spoke, saying the real first thing that came into my head.

I saw the sides of Chandler's smile twitch but it remained on his face. As an actor, I knew he was acting. He didn't want to smile. "James. I've heard that before."

"James is my boyfriend of...well...coming up on three years soon." I told him.

He smiled and nodded. "You love him?"

I looked at the ground, a blush seeping across my face. "I do. Very much so."

"That's good." He nodded.

He suddenly went silent and I sighed. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Why?"

I just shrugged and stared at him. "You just seem...off?" I wasn't really sure what it was but he was acting different.

"Yeah, sorry." He told me.

I bit my lip and sighed. "Chandler?" I started. "You can tell me."

He scoffed and looked down. "If I told you, I'd look like a pussy."

I pursed my lips at the stereotypical teenage thing. "You know," I cleared my throat and prepared myself to say such a word. "Um, a pussy is a lot stronger than a dick." The words sounded super strange coming out of my mouth, but it was just a word.

A Living Lie:: Sequel to Jensens DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora