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Days passed. Days became weeks. And weeks months. We were still... friends, if you can call it like that. Actually we were just two people, pretending like they know each other, but truly we were just strangers.

Strangers with some memories.

I knew our story was over. I thought I was over it. He was just a guy, I once used to think about a lot. Probably because the way he acted when I was around him, made me feel needed.

I just wanted to feel that important to someone again.
I enjoyed it, before things got bad.

So I tried and tried to find a way to feel needed again. But guess what? It never happened. I couldn't stop to remember what it felt like with him - and it never felt the same with somebody elsewhere. There was always something wrong. I couldn't help it.

So all these days without him, turned into weeks of thinking about him. Because at least I got him in my head.

I have tried to tell myself that he was not as beautiful as is saw him.
That he was stupid, that he didn't unterstand that we're probably meant for each other.
But with every silent mistake,
he made me love him even more.

How long can somebody stand on a broken bench, before it falls?

The reason why I kept my feelings to myself was because I can't explain them, even to myself.

It hurts. After all this time it still hurts.

One kiss could prove it.

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