Chapter Four - Grimmauld Mansion

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It wasn't what Remus had in mind. At all.

He thought it would be a simple "go in, clean and leave" job.

And another thing. Servant of Sirius Black? Whom everyone loved and wished to meet, but Remus knew was really just an arrogant, rich noble who believed he earned everything by looking good. He had no desire to meet him. That wasn't why he sent his resume. Why he wanted the job so badly.

Worse than serving Sirius Black, he had to stay there for as long as his "master" wanted. He can't leave his mother alone for such a long time.

"I can't do it," He said, pushing the letter away, "I can't go."

"But Remus," Hope was there, sitting in front of him. She grabbed the paper, giving it a once over before returning it to him, "Isn't it what you wanted? The job you've been wishing for?"

"Yes, but...," He elicited a shaky sigh, dropping his head onto his hands. It scared him just thinking about leaving her alone for one week. Much less an entire month, "I don't want to leave you. I can't leave you." Who would look after her?

"Sweetheart, listen to me. Look at me," Hope reached for Remus' hand, squeezing tightly for his attention, "Go. You can't miss this. I'll call your aunt and tell her to stay with me. I have Nancy too. I promise I'll be alright."

She would be in good hands, no doubts. Hannah Howell was reliable; she often visited, offering Remus and his mother whatever she could, but she had her own responsibilities, and that's what worried him. She was a married woman with a young daughter to take care of.

"Let me talk to her," Remus said, fetching for his phone. He dialed Hannah's number and waited, "Hey, aunt Hannah?"

"Why, hello Remus!" She greeted, "I haven't heard from you for a while. How you've been?"

"I'm alright. It's mom who I'm worried about."

"Is my sister alright?" Hannah asked, her voice pitched. Remus could hear his little cousin, Rose, in the background, "Do you need me to bring her something?"

"No, no. Actually, I need a favor," He took a deep breath, looking at his mother in front of him, "I... I found a good job in London and I have to stay over there for some time. I don't know how long so I... I need someone to look after her. I thought you could stay a few days or visit whenever you can. Make sure she eats and everything."

Hannah's reply was quick, "Yes, of course. I won't be able to stay everyday, but I'll work it out with my husband. You just worry about that job."

Remus sighed in relief, "Thank you, aunt. I don't know how I'd be able to do it without your help."

"Don't mention it, dear," Hannah said, "Tell her I'll be there in an hour."

Remus looked at his nodding mother, "She already heard you."

Even when he hung up, he was feeling slightly reluctant about accepting. Hope's fingers ensnared with his and she gave him another squeeze, "Everything will work out. Think about Sirius as another customer, like you've dealt with everyday."

Remus squeezed back, looking at her, "It's not him I'm worried about."

Hope smiled sadly, "I'll miss you, Remus, but I can't cut your wings from this."

He exhaled through his nose. He didn't think about his wings at all, "Will you be alright?" He was thinking about hers, that were slowly deteriorating. Everything was for her. This job was so he could take better care of her. But he won't be there. How could that be possible?

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