Chapter Eleven - Sunday

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A/N: so... i don't even know what to say 🤣 it's been too long (like a year and a half or two, i think?) A lot of stuff happened after the last time I updated and I hit the worst kind of writer's block ever. Stressing over college kicked it off. I remember I wrote a bit but whatever I typed wasn't good enough for me so i focused on studying. Tbh, college wasn't going well either. After the hurricane, i had no energy to do anything properly so i flunked a lot of classes and that brought me down even more. then my grandfather was hospitalized several times in a row for a long time so that was another thing. then after that, PR got hit by an earthquake so that was another month or so without energy to do anything. i flunked more classes yayyy. i got pretty depressed after that. i still tried to write but it wasnt working. i wasn't satisfied with what i was writing. for a long time, i was upset and the best way i cope with it is by playing games so yeahhh i spent a long time just shutting myself in my room and playing games for looooong hours. 

And now we got quarantine 🙃 im dead scared for my granparents, mom's not working (im not working either), but we're managing somehow? I got good friend that helped me pick myself up again and im writing again (slowly, but surely). ive been writing about the stuff that i used to cope (mainly games like persona, kingdom hearts, and animes like naruto and my hero academia). During quarantine, i saw the marathon of Harry Potter movies so thats why im here. I saw a lot of comments and decided to work on this again. i started by re-reading and editing. I can't promise fast updates, but I'm gonna try 💕 im so sorry for the delay everyone

Sunday at House Black was a humdrum. There wasn't much activity like in the week. Even so, the servants had to work. When questioned, Beckham snapped, saying that work was never over for people like them.

Remus awoke at the same hour that Sunday and came out of the bathroom to meet with stares, whispers and murmurs. Even Peter and Mary, though the girl was trying not to stare too long. Peter didn't seem to care.

Remus didn't need to ask what the fuss what all about.

Panic struck. They heard his conversation with Sirius. How could he have been so stupid? He could begin to imagine the type of rumors that will fester and spread around, reaching Bellatrix and Regulus' ear. He shivered violently at the thought, terror striking in too. The things they were capable of doing...

He should have expected that something like this would happen. He should have seen it coming. Should have told Sirius to move somewhere else. There wasn't really anything wrong with what he said, but people here already thought he copulated with Sirius. The situation is already bad as it is and now it was possibly worse.

They'll start saying he's abusing his position as Sirius' servant and that's exactly what Remus feared himself.

"So, I was right after all," Emma's mean voice cut clean through the other's, "You are sleeping with Sirius."

Remus tried to stay calm. If he panicked any more than he already was, it will seem as if he were hiding something, "I'm not. I thought we talked about this."

"We did, but I don't understand this about asking him to send your mother a letter through his personal mailman," She tapped her hip, wide grin plastered on her face, "You're a clever little peasant, aren't you?"

Remus hoped that was all they heard and not the first bit. And he specifically hoped they didn't see the position they were in, "He offered because it was almost time for curfew. It was just a favor. I told him not to but he wouldn't listen."

"And you were so bumped about it, I bet."


"Why don't you drop the act already?" Bertham spoke up next from his bed, tone sharp. He wasn't even looking at Remus, focusing instead on folding a paper.

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